wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Modules (1)
autor: aga272726
faint-heartedlacking in courage (tchórzliwy)
exceedinglyextremely (niezwykle)
stonycovered in stones
barringexcept for ( z wyjątkiem)
rationsdaily allowance of sth
would-bewanting to attepmt sth
navigatedecide what course to follow
blisterspainful swellings on the skin caused by the friction
hinderslow down (utrudniać)
gruellingpunishig / very tough (wyczerpujący)
wildernesswild uncultivated part od the countryside
camaraderiefeeling of trust and friendship between people (koleżeństwo)
veteranspeople with long experience of sth
poundingvery painful (łomotanie)
withdrawquit (porzucić/wycofać się)
dehydrationlack of water