digital technology | technologia cyfrowa | |
satellite communications | łączność satelitarna | |
biotechnology | biotechnologia | |
disease-resistant | odporny na choroby | |
AI | artificial intelligence | |
ergonomics | efficient design of human environments | |
ergonomicall designed | designed to give maximum comfort and efficiency | |
GPS | global positioning system | |
analogue | non-digital | |
techie | person who loves acquiring all the new technology | |
PDA | personal digital assistant | |
pager | device that tells u when someone wants to contact u | |
notebook/laptop computer | laptop :) | |
hands-free | ? | |
desktop computer | komputer stacjonarny | |
trackpad | tabliczka dotykowa | |
thumbnail | miniaturowy | |
icon | ikona | |
footprint | pamięć komputera | |
screensaver | wygaszacz ekranu | |
computer nerd | haker (?) | |
analogue | odpowiednik/ element analogowy | |