wordki.pl - nauka słówek
słownik angielsko-polski
wybierz język nauki
wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
załóż konto
autor: anya
dodaj do moich zestawów
legislation/ legislator/ to legislatelaw-making
constituents/ constituencyppl who elected one MP
MPsMembers of Parliament
assiduouslywytrwale/ pracowicie
lobbies/ to lobbyinterest groups who try to influence MPs
corporations/ to corporatelarge companies
Institute of Directorsorganisation of top business ppl
ministersMPs with top responsibilities
civil servantsppl employed in government departments (the Civil Service)
lobbyistsppl who lobby
Chancellor of the Exchequerfinance minister (in UK)
annual budgetyearly financial plan (of tax, rates..)
petitions/ petitionerformal requests often signed by lots of ppl
tax concessions / to concedereductions in taxes
producers/ productive/ mass-producedmanufacturers
centralised/ centralisationconcentrated in one central organisation
close-knitwith close ties to each other
well-fundedwith plenty of financial support
consumersppl who use/buy products
fragmentedseparate, not centralised
Friends of the Earthlarge environmental organisation
Child Poverty Action Grouplarge organisation helping children
paid-up membersppl who have paid their membership fees/ committed members
deputationsppl sent to speak for a group
grievancescomplaints about unfair treatment
appeal torequest support from
to scatterrozpraszać/ rozpędzać
to concealukrywać
to pressurisetr to force someone to do sth
to influence (public opinion)to affect
assiduouslyshowing hard work or attention to detail
climax (to reach the climax)most important and exciting point
press forto argue in favour of
close-knit (community)tightly connected
backstairs (pressures, influences)hidden from the public
relentlesslywithout stopping
to intimidate (to be intimidated into doing sth)to frighten or threaten sb
to encircle (the enemy camp)to surround
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