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autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
obituariesdescriptions of the lives of pamous people who have just died
leader, editorialan article giving the newspaper editor's opinion
classified adspages of advertisements in different categories
supplementsseparate magazines included with the newspaper
featurean article or set of articles devoted to a particular topic
agony columnssections in a paper or magazine that deal with readers' private emotional problems
agony auntperson, typically a woman, who answers letter in the agony columns
pamphletSmall book with a soft cover, dealing with a specific topic, often political
leafletsingle sheet or folded sheets of paper giving information about something
brochureSmall, thin book like a magazine, which gives information, often about travel or a company
prospectusSmall, thin book like a magazine, which gives information about a school, college, university
flyerSingle sheet giving information about some event, special offer, etc., often given out in the st
bookletSmall, thin book with a soft cover, often giving information about something
manualBook of detailed instructions how to use something
spinethe vertical edge of the book, usually with the title on it
jacketthe cover of the book
foreworda piece of text before the main text of the book begtins
editionwydanie (ksiązki)
subscriptiona payment that buys you a certain amount of issues in advance
issuepublication printed for a particular day, week, month
bindera file or special jacket to collect and bind a set of issues together
quarterlya magazine issued every three months
ghost writerosoba pisząca w czyimś imieniu
desctop publishingpublishing using a home computer to design it
facsimilean exact reproduction in every detail
to listwyliczać
to exposeuwydatniać, ukazywać
to draw attention toprzykuwać uwagę do
to give sb the lowdown onto give sb all the most important info
to be packed withbyć pełnym czegoś
small printdetails,rules & restrictions in very small letters
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