wordki.pl - nauka słówek
kwiecień 2
autor: tysiek
bouncera person hired by a club to throw out troublemakers
to entailto include, to involve
hithertoup till now
to imbue sth with sthto fill/ to inspire
to put sb/ to jump through the hoopsto make sb endure a test or sth unpleasant (ex. ordeal)
daintysmall and pretty
typosmistakes in a printed text
prompttaking immediate action
abruptquick, doing things without much thinking and often rude
to weigh upto consider carefully
to make up forto compensate
to set sth against sthto juxtapose
to settle up with sbto pay back, to return the money that you owe to sb
indulgentgiving even more than sb asks for
densewith so many things that you have to pay attention to
budsth that is about to blossom