large crowds, tłumy | droves |
very cruel, brutalny | brutal |
sports venue, stadion | arena |
contained, zawarty | held |
rounds, okrążenia | laps |
methods, taktyka | tactics |
piece of rope attached to a handle, bicz | whip |
fans, fani | supporters |
erupted, wybuchło | broke out |
bitter feeling, złość | animosity |
men who are the property of others, niewolnicy | slaves |
middle of the body, talia | waist |
technique, praktyka | practice |
pulled, ciągnięty | dragged |
uncommon, nieznany | unheard of |
knowledge and skill, wiedza na dany temat | expertise |
declared, zdeklarowany | proclaimed |
control, kontrolować | contain |
cooker, kuchenka | stove |
small pieces, skrawki | scraps |
substance burned to provide heat or power, paliwo | fuel |
process of beathing in, inhalacja | inhalation |
aired, wentylowanie | ventilated |
effective, efektywny | efficient |
discussion, rozmowa | conversation |
foreign, za granicą | overseas |
prize such as cup or statue, trofeum | trophy |
money given to sb to assist them to study, stypendium | bursary |
impact, wrażenie | impression |
developing, rozwijający się | third-world |
currently, obecnie | presently |
organisation that help people in need, organizacje | charities |
thought about, rozważany | considered |
putting on the market, wprowadzony na rynek | commercialising |
putting other people's interests first, altruizm | selflessness |
depended, zależny | relied |