wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Modules - synoniny (3)
large crowds, tłumydroves
very cruel, brutalnybrutal
sports venue, stadionarena
contained, zawartyheld
rounds, okrążenialaps
methods, taktykatactics
piece of rope attached to a handle, biczwhip
fans, fanisupporters
erupted, wybuchłobroke out
bitter feeling, złośćanimosity
men who are the property of others, niewolnicyslaves
middle of the body, taliawaist
technique, praktykapractice
pulled, ciągniętydragged
uncommon, nieznanyunheard of
knowledge and skill, wiedza na dany tematexpertise
declared, zdeklarowanyproclaimed
control, kontrolowaćcontain
cooker, kuchenkastove
small pieces, skrawkiscraps
substance burned to provide heat or power, paliwofuel
process of beathing in, inhalacjainhalation
aired, wentylowanieventilated
effective, efektywnyefficient
discussion, rozmowaconversation
foreign, za granicąoverseas
prize such as cup or statue, trofeumtrophy
money given to sb to assist them to study, stypendiumbursary
impact, wrażenieimpression
developing, rozwijający sięthird-world
currently, obecniepresently
organisation that help people in need, organizacjecharities
thought about, rozważanyconsidered
putting on the market, wprowadzony na rynekcommercialising
putting other people's interests first, altruizmselflessness
depended, zależnyrelied