wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Modules - synoniny (4)
autor: moonika
start doing, rozpocząćembark
understand, zrozumiećfigure out
fault, defektdefect
take sth in through your mouth and down to your stomach, przełknąćswallow
not working property, wadliwyfaulty
accepted through established use, konwencyjnyconventional
react, reagowaćrespond
bad effect of a drug intended to cure you, skutek ubocznyside effect
difference, różnicavariation
failure to produce a results, nieefektywnośćineffectiveness
harmful or unfavourable, niekorzystnyadverse
tell a patient what medicine to take, przepisaćprescribe
description, opisprofile
very full of sth, przepełniony czymśbulging
took out, wyjętywithdrew
leftover bits of food, resztki jedzeniatable scraps
moved without any conscious effort, szwędać sięwandered
loud noise indicating danger, syrenasiren
unable to move, zmrożonyfrozen to the spot
a hill or any inclined surface, stokslope
ability to remain steady, równowagabalance
faced, skonfrontowanyconfronted
things left in tiny little pieces, rozbite w drobny makshattered remains
dragged along without having control, zmiecioneswept away
closely packed, ściśniętehuddled
crying uncontrollably, szlochaćsobbing