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womarek 52
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
instant messaginga king of e-mail where both people are online at the same time
chat roomsan online conversation between a group of people on topics chosen by them
newsgroupsa website where people with shared interests can get news and information
attachmentsfiles you send at the same time as e-mail messages
e-commerceall kinds of business done on the Internet
browsinglooking at different websites, with no particular goal
surfing the Webmoving form one webside or one web page to another, usually looking for sth
graphic imagestechnical term for pictures , icons, diagrams...
ISP - Internet Service Providera company that offers users access to the Internet and services such as news, e-mail, shopping sites
downloadingbringing files to your computer from the Internet
uploadingsending files from your computer to the Internet or to another Internet user
spamunwanted advertisements and other material send to you by e-mail from companies
cookiesa kind of program that is sent from the Internet to your computer, often without your knowledge
offensive materialmaterial such as pornography or extreme political views, or amterial that encourages hate&violence
to bookmarkto put in a list of website you can access immediately
to subscribe toto become a member of
to screen outto prevent from reaching you
servercentral computer that distributes e-mail and other services to a group of users
to be downto be not working
to hack intoto access sth illegally
anti-virus softwareprotection against computer viruses
to bounceto come back to sb (about an e-mail)
to be garbledto be just a series of meaningless letters and numbers
undeleteopposite of delete
uploadopposite of download
outboxopposite of inbox
offlineopposite of online
uninstallopposite of install
to updateuaktualniać
e-signaturesa way of identifying yourself on the Internet with a unique code or name
e-learningtaking courses over the Internet
e-enabledmeans that all the study materials can be accessed and worked with through the Internet
e-booksbooks which you can buy from the Internet or CD-ROM, and which you can then read on your computer
dotcom economyit refers to Internet companies, whose web addresses typically end in .com
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