innovative | original and interesting | |
unsurpassed | the best there is | |
to leave other things standing | to be much better than other things | |
to put/leave other people in the shade | to make other people seem insignificant | |
rock-bottom | extremely low | |
slashed | dramatically reduced | |
bargains galore | a huge number of products on sale at ridiculously low prices | |
to pamper oneself | to treat oneself with something luxurious | |
to indulge oneself | to allow oneself sth enjoyable | |
sumptuous | rich and special (about food/furnishings) | |
opulent | rich and special (about lifestyle) | |
in the lap of luxury | in a very luxurious way | |
medically proven | shown by research | |
state-of-the-art | uses the very latest technology | |
to stand out in the crowd | to be noticed | |
tantalisingly | temptingly | |
fetching/alluring | attractive (x2) | |
alliteration | repetition of a sound | |
billboard | very large board used for advertising | |
trailer | brief excerpt from a film, TV or radio programme which are used to advertise it | |
sky-writing | words written in the sky using smoke from a plane | |
sandwich boards | advertising posters hung at the back and front of a person who then walks around a busy area | |
to plug | advertise (colloq.- robiś reklamę, lansować) | |
scientifically designed | naukowo zaprojektowane | |
flyer | sheets of printed information advertising sth | |
colossal discounts | kolosalne zniżki | |
fit for a king | dobre dla króla | |
eye-catchingly ellegant | elegancki tak, ze przyciąga wzrok | |
go on- spoil yourself! | no dalej - rozpieść siebie^^ | |
developed by a team of international experts | wynaleziony przez ekipę ekspertów międzynarodowych | |
we outshine the best of the rest | przyćmiewamy najlepszych z pozostałych | |
flatteringly fashionable | pochlebnie modny | |
outstanding value | znakomita jakość | |