wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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53- Advertising
dodaj do moich zestawów
innovativeoriginal and interesting
unsurpassedthe best there is
to leave other things standingto be much better than other things
to put/leave other people in the shadeto make other people seem insignificant
rock-bottomextremely low
slasheddramatically reduced
bargains galorea huge number of products on sale at ridiculously low prices
to pamper oneselfto treat oneself with something luxurious
to indulge oneselfto allow oneself sth enjoyable
sumptuousrich and special (about food/furnishings)
opulentrich and special (about lifestyle)
in the lap of luxuryin a very luxurious way
medically provenshown by research
state-of-the-artuses the very latest technology
to stand out in the crowdto be noticed
fetching/alluringattractive (x2)
alliterationrepetition of a sound
billboardvery large board used for advertising
trailerbrief excerpt from a film, TV or radio programme which are used to advertise it
sky-writingwords written in the sky using smoke from a plane
sandwich boardsadvertising posters hung at the back and front of a person who then walks around a busy area
to plugadvertise (colloq.- robiś reklamę, lansować)
scientifically designednaukowo zaprojektowane
flyersheets of printed information advertising sth
colossal discountskolosalne zniżki
fit for a kingdobre dla króla
eye-catchingly ellegantelegancki tak, ze przyciąga wzrok
go on- spoil yourself!no dalej - rozpieść siebie^^
developed by a team of international expertswynaleziony przez ekipę ekspertów międzynarodowych
we outshine the best of the restprzyćmiewamy najlepszych z pozostałych
flatteringly fashionablepochlebnie modny
outstanding valueznakomita jakość
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