pressure group | people trying to influence what other people think about a particular issue | |
to air views | to express an opinion | |
to seek publicity | to want to reach a wider audience | |
press conference | meeting to give information to and answer questions from the press | |
to issue a statement/press release | to give a formal announcement to the press | |
sound bite | short memorable sentence or phrase that will be repeated in news bulletins and articles | |
silly season | time of year, summer in the UK, when there's not much happening, trivial stories on the front page | |
tapping useful sources | making use of people or organisations which regularly provide news | |
monitoring | regularly checking | |
column inches | space | |
to put one's own gloss/spin on a story | to present a story in a particular way | |
muck-raking | collecting scandal (informal and disapproving) | |
rag | newspaper, not very high quality (informal) | |
gutter press | newspapers and magazines interested mostly in sex and crime; prasa brukowa | |
glossy | expensive magazine printed on good quality paper | |
copy | materiał dziennikarski (też: egzemplarz) | |
to go to press | to start being printed; iść do druku | |
stop press | ostatnie wiadomości, drukowane w gazecie na wydzielonej kolumnie | |
hot off the press | a very new newspaper/story | |
exclusive | adj- to be found only one newspaper | |
scoop | story discovered and published by one newspaper before all the others | |
to hit the headlines | trafić na nagłówki (gazet) | |
to receive a lot of coverage | to receive space in the press; być nagłośnionym | |
libel/defamation of character | zniesławienie (x2) | |
cuttings | wycinki | |
the time the story breakes | the time when the story becomes public knowledge | |
a spin on sth | a paricular view of sth | |
back copies of sth | previous editions of sth | |
to be hot off the press | to be only just published | |
column inches | spase in the papers | |
to air sb's view to/in | to give sb's opinions to sth | |
defemation of character | libel | |
gutter press | an inferior kind of paper | |