wordki.pl - nauka słówek
słownik angielsko-polski
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wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
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54- The news: gathering and delivering
dodaj do moich zestawów
pressure grouppeople trying to influence what other people think about a particular issue
to air viewsto express an opinion
to seek publicityto want to reach a wider audience
press conferencemeeting to give information to and answer questions from the press
to issue a statement/press releaseto give a formal announcement to the press
sound biteshort memorable sentence or phrase that will be repeated in news bulletins and articles
silly seasontime of year, summer in the UK, when there's not much happening, trivial stories on the front page
tapping useful sourcesmaking use of people or organisations which regularly provide news
monitoringregularly checking
column inchesspace
to put one's own gloss/spin on a storyto present a story in a particular way
muck-rakingcollecting scandal (informal and disapproving)
ragnewspaper, not very high quality (informal)
gutter pressnewspapers and magazines interested mostly in sex and crime; prasa brukowa
glossyexpensive magazine printed on good quality paper
copymateriał dziennikarski (też: egzemplarz)
to go to pressto start being printed; iść do druku
stop pressostatnie wiadomości, drukowane w gazecie na wydzielonej kolumnie
hot off the pressa very new newspaper/story
exclusiveadj- to be found only one newspaper
scoopstory discovered and published by one newspaper before all the others
to hit the headlinestrafić na nagłówki (gazet)
to receive a lot of coverageto receive space in the press; być nagłośnionym
libel/defamation of characterzniesławienie (x2)
the time the story breakesthe time when the story becomes public knowledge
a spin on stha paricular view of sth
back copies of sthprevious editions of sth
to be hot off the pressto be only just published
column inchesspase in the papers
to air sb's view to/into give sb's opinions to sth
defemation of characterlibel
gutter pressan inferior kind of paper
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