breastfeeding | karmiąca piersią |
haemophilia | hemofilia |
to be sensitive to | być wrażliwym na |
kidney | nerka |
clotting | forming a partly solid lump (krzepnąć) |
anticoagulants | leki przeciwzakrzepowe |
antidepressants | antydepresanty |
antiepileptic drugs | leki |
asthmatic | astmatyk |
dehydration | not having enough water in your body |
stomach ulcer | painful infected area on the skin or inside your body |
side effects | unwanted effects in addition to the intended one |
brionchiospasm | difficulty in breathing |
gastro-intestinal haemorrhage | vomitting of blood or passing of dark stools |
stool | medical term for excrement or pooh (stolec) |
excrement | ekskrementy |
pooh | kupka :) |
diagnosed | zdiagnozowane |
symptom/ smptomatic of | characteristic feature of |
prognosis | prospects- how experts expect it to develop |
ailing (e.g organisation) | one that has lots of problems, very weak |
a rash of | a number of similar things happening at the same time |
at fever pitch/to reach fever pitch | a point of very high intensity |
jaundiced | unenthusiastic because of previous bad experiences |
to carry the scars of/ be scarred by | be permanently affected by a negative experience |
paralysed | sparaliżowany |
fatal | śmiertelny |
contagious | zakaźny |
impregnate, pregnancy, pregnant | zapłodnić (+noun +adj) |
breastfeed, breastfeeding, breast-fed | karmić piersią (+noun +adj) |
sensitise, sensitivity, sensitive | uczulać (+noun +adj) |
clot, clot, clotted | krzepnąć (+noun +adj) |
drug, drug, drugged | usypiać, narkotyzować (+noun +adj) |
dehydrate, dehydration, dehydrated | odwadniać (+noun +adj) |
ulcerate, ulcer, ulcerous(ulcerated) | owrzodzieć (+noun +adj) |
affect, effect, effective | oddziaływać, wpływać (+noun +adj) |