wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
ballot papera piece of paper you write your vote on
ballot boxthe box you put your ballot paper in, once you have written you vote on it
cast a voteto vote
close - run electionan election where a number of parties win a similar number of constituents/votes
constituencyan area/town represented in parliament by one politician
constituentsb who lives in a particular constituency
coup attemptan attempt (often violent) by citizens/the military to take control of the government
a coup (d'etat)the take - over (often violent) of the government by rebels/citizens/the military
the electorateall the people entitled to vote in an election
a gamble pays offa risk one takes which has positive results
pass new lawsprzegłosować nowe prawa
bring in regulationsintroduce regulations
standardise proceduresznormalizować procedury
adhere to standardsprzestrzegać standardów, bć na określonym poziomie
comply with lawsspełniać/przestrzegać prawa
have an obligationbyć zobligowanym
carry out a risk assessmentan exercise to identify and assess risks
in breach of the law(fml.) breaking the law
minimise dangerzminimalizować zagrożenie
satisfy the requirementszaspokoić wymagania
in position of authoritybyć autorytetem
arrive at/ reach... an agreement
absolutely... essential
seek permissionfml ask for permission
grant permissionfml give permission
obtain permissionfml receive permission
introduce legislationwprowadzać ustawy
tighten controlsmake the ruls tougher
put in an applicationzłożyć podanie
infringe the regulationsfml break the rules
faceless bureaucratsused as insult to officials suggesting that they lack chracter
exercise authorityuse the authority
cut through the red tapedeal quickly and effectively with bureaucratic procedures
flout the rulesfml intentionally break the rules
adherent ofa person who supports a particular idea or party
fanatic(disapproving) someone with very strong beliefs
bigot(disapproving) someone with strong unreasonable beliefs who thinks that other beliefs are wrong
convert tosomeone who has taken on a new set of beliefs
incredulousnot wanting to believe sth
credencefml acceptance that sth is true
implausibleniewiarygodny (np. świadek)
ascribe/attributepoświadczać, przypisywać
postulatesbasic principles
ingenoustrusting, sincere, often in a naive way
take sth with a pinch of saltodnosić się do czegoś ze szczyptą rezerwy
pull the other oneI don't believe you
I wasn't born yesterdayNie rób ze mnie głupka
give sb the benefit of the doubtaccept someone is telling the truth even though it's not certain
I don't buy that!Nie kupuję tego...
What d'you take me for?za kogo ty mnie masz?
A likely storyTrochę nieprawdopodobna ta historia...
I'll believe it when I see itNie uwierzę dopóki nie zobaczę
landing cardform with your personal details and date of arrival
customs declaration formform showing how much money and what goods you are carrying
vaccination certificatepaper proving you have had the necessary health injections
entry restrictionsrules about who can enter a country and for how long
carry out spot/random checkschecks done without warning
sniffer dogsspecially trained dogs who can smell drugs and bones
clear customstake your bags through customs
port of entrythe port or airport where you first enter a country
political asylumpermission to stay in another country to avoid political persecution back home
economic migrantspeople who try to enter from poorer countries just to get work
offencea formal word for an illegal action
fixed penaltyfixed sum payable for a particular offence
on-the-spot finefine payable at the time and place that you commit the offence
parking ticketspapers placed on driver's windscreens fining them for illegal parking
make a statementsay what happened and sign a copy of it
stop-and-searchpower to stop people and search them in the street
surveillance camerascameras that record everything that happens
search warrantofficial permission from a judge or magistrate to search your house
security forcesoften a name for the army and police together enforcing the law
plain clothes/ undercover policepolice who do not wear uniform
paramilitary policepolice who are more like soldiers than civilian police officers
drug squadpolice specially trained to fight the illegal drug trade
anti - corruption squadpolice specially trained to discover and fight bribery/corruption
tap the telephonezałożyć podsłuch telefoniczny
roadblockblokada drogowa
photofit pictureportret pamięciowy
radicalsomeone who believes there should be extreme political change
reactionary(disapproving) someone opposed to change or new ideas
assumptionunquestioning acceptance that something is true
usher inintroduce
landslide victorya victory in an election where one party wins many more votes
overwhelming majorityznacząca większość
slim/narrow majorityta mniejsza większość :)
opinion pollthe collected result of asking people what their opinions are
overthrow the governmentto remove a government illegally and by force
rampant/galloping inflationinflation that is out of control
tackle the problemdeal with the problem
tarnishzszargać (np. opinię)
drum up businessto get business going (by doing more advertising etc.)
gap in the marketan opportunity to sell a particular product because nobody else is selling that product
to be overdrawn at the bankto have spent more money than you have in your bank account
run into problemsto have problems
sort sth outto deal with sth and solve it
run up a debtto keep borrowing money so that you make your debts bigger
teething troublessmall problems that sb experiences when first starting a business/project
thrivingdoing well, helthy
to be at one's wit's endodchodzić od zmysłów