wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
I wouldn't say no to...I would really like to...
Needless to say/ it goes without saying that...nie trzeba nawet wspominać, że...
Don't say a wordnie mów ani słowa...
Generally speakingogólnie rzecz biorąc..
strictly speakingjeśli mam być precyzyjny..
speak very highly of sbsay good things about sb
Stop mumbling and say properlyprzestań mamrotać i mów poprawnie
I can't understand a word you're sayingnie rozumiem ani słowa
It's time we talked businessprzejdźmy do konkretów?
talk nonsensegadać głupoty
talk a lot of sensemówić z sensem
tell sb a secretwyjawić komuś sekret
don't tell anyone elsenie mów nikomu innemu
tell one's fortunepredict one's future
giveto ... someone a reason
state your aim/purpose/goalfml wziąć sobie za cel
state one's businessfml say what one's intentions are
give an account ofto tell/write about sth to someone
get the message acrossinfml to convey the idea
declare sb a winnerfml statement made at the time of the win
to be pronounced deadfml when making an official statement of death
impart knowledge/wisdom to sbtransfer knowledge/wisdom
divulge one's sourcesfml make sth secret (i.e. sources) known
disseminate informationfml spread information to a lot of people
notify the police offml powiadomić policję o...
protest one's innocenceinsist one's not guilty
profess ignorance offml claim - perhaps insincerely - that you don't know
break the news to sbtell sb some important, usually bad, news
idle chatterleniwe trajkotanie
exchange pleasantriesfml make polite conversation
share juicy gossipdzielić się najnowszymi plotkami
exchange newswymieniać się informacjami
spread rumorsrozpowiadać pogłoski
fly aroundto soar or float aloft randomly
engage someone in conversationzaprosić kogoś do rozmowy
draw into an argumentwciągnąć w kłótnię
win an argumentwygrać kłótnię
lose the argumentprzegrać w dyskusji
enjoy a good discussioncieszyć się dyskusją
carry on a conversationkontynuować rozmowę
hold a conversationpodtrzymać rozmowę
broach the subjectbegin a discussion of a difficult topic
change the subjectzmienić temat
bring up the subject againwrócić na właściwy temat
overstate one's casegive too much importance or seriousness to a point of view
bombard sb with questionsask a lot of questions
make broad generalisationsgeneralizować
drop the subject and never refer to it againdać sobie spokój z tematem i nie wracać do niego
bad/strong/foul languageswear words, taboo language
four-letter wordsswear words, taboo words
opening gambita remark made in order to start a conversation
rash promisepromise made without thinking
empty promisepromise made which the speaker has no intention of keeping
tough questiondifficult question to answer
bickerto argue about unimportant things
butt in (into +object)wtrącać się
confide in sbtell sb a secret
gossip about sb/sthplotkować o kimś
implore sb (not) to do sthbłagać żeby ktoś coś zrobił/nie zrobił
let slip thatto accidentally tell sb sth that you did not want them to know
nag sb about sthto constantly tell sb what to do and what not t do
natter (about sth)infml to chat about unimportant things
scold sb for doing sthto tell sb off (quite formal)
tease sb (about sth)make fun of sb in a cruel or playful way
deliciousvery tasty
dreadfulvery bad
drenched/soakedvery wet
distraughtvery upset
famishedvery hungry
filthyvery dirty
flabbergastedvery surprised
hilariousvery funny
lividvery angry
packedvery crowded
parchedextremely thirsty
pricelessextremely valuable
rivetingvery interesting
superbvery good
brand-newcompletely new
sit/stand bolt uprightsit/stand with a very straight back
bone idleinfml very lazy
crystal clearvery clear/ easy to understand
dirt cheapinfml very cheap (it can follow the verbs buy and sell)
freezing (cold)very cold (to describe weather or how you feel)
paper thinvery thin (used to describe walls)
pitch-black/darkcompletely dark
razor-sharpvery sharp
red-hotvery hot (to describe metals, plates etc.)
sound/fast asleepcompletely asleep
stone coldcompletely cold
stone deaftotally deaf
stuck faststuck very firmly and unable to move
wide awakecompletely awake
wide opencompletely open
bragto boast (in an annoying or distasteful way)
briefto give a politician or businessman detailed information which they need to know
clam upto suddenly stop talking because you are very nervous or you suddenly feel very shy
insinuateaccuse sb of sth in an indirect way
intimateto hint (They... that he would be next in line for promotion)
mutterto say sth in a low, quiet voice which is difficult to hear
reel offto repeat information quickly, without having to stop and think about it
waffleto talk and talk without saying anything important or sensible
whingeto keep complaining about sth in an annoying way
yellto shout