wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
curb inflationcontrol inflation
inflationcontinuous increase in prices
rampant inflationvery dramatic, uncontrolled inflation
current economic climatesytuacja ekonomiczna
interest ratesstopy procentowe
invest for the long-terminwestować długoterminowo
steer the economy throughkierować ekonomią
uninterrupted economic growthwzrost gospodarczy
stimulating growthhave no idea, honestly.
industry is thrivingindustry is doing very well
steady growthstały wzrost
safeguard one's interestsprotect one's interests
increase outputsprawić, że wydajność wzrasta
plummeting profitsrapidly falling profits
value for moneytowar wart swojej ceny
public spendingwydatki publiczne
extend opportunityzwiększyć możliwość
tacklewziąć, brać się do
social exclusionthe problems of the unprivileged, of those who have less fortunate places in society than others
levy taxesimpose or introduce taxes
allocate resourcesprzydzielić, zapewnić środki
meet with considerable successto be very successful
build on the successdevelop previous success
levyalso: a tax
black economyczarny rynek
left uncheckednot stopped
undeclared earningsincome that people fail to report to the tax authorities
tax evasionuchylanie się od płacenia podatków
push up costsmake costs rise
rising unemploymentwzrastające bezrobocie
announce record profitsogłosić rekordowe przychody
decline in demandspadek popytu
fierce competitionNOT: (HIGH) competition
meet one's targetsspełnić swoje cele, założenia
go into productionstart being made
allocate part of the budgetczęść pieniędzy z budźetu przeznaczyć na...
chair the committebyć szefem komitetu
generate business fortworzyć sytuację, w której firma będzie mogła partycypować w jakiejś działalności
unique selling pointwyjątkowe cechy, podnoszące atrakcyjność
pay dividendsbring advantages
make sound business sensemieć sens jako rozwiązanie w biznesie
maintain qualityutrzymać dobrą jakość
promote the interests ofwspierać czyjeś interesy
satisfy the demands ofspełnić czyjeś wymagania
target marketrynek docelowy
emergency meetingspotkanie nadzwyczajne
hike in prices(journalistic) rise in prices
affect the bottom lineaffect the net income
narrow profit marginsograniczona marża zysku
set oneself clear objectivepostawić sobie jasny cel
balance the booksmake sure the amount spent is not more than the amount earned
call in the receiversgo bankrupt
show see experience (NOT HAVE)sales profits the market exports/imports ... a rise a fall a decline a growth
keeping afloathaving enough money to pay what you owe (can also be staying...)
source of incomeźródło dochodu
supplementadd something to something to make it larger or better
a current accountrachunek bieżący
get into debtmieć dług
clear one's debtspay in full one's debts
cut down on luxurieszrezygnuj z luksusu
running up huge debtscontinuing to spend money and owing a large amount of it
make a paymentwykonywać opłatę
agreed credit limitustalony limit kredytowy
borrow heavilydużo pożyczać
outstanding debtsnot yet paid debts
pay back loansspłacać pożyczki
run up an overdraftzrobić tak, że ma się debet, do cholery.
interest-freebez odsetek
credit-card fraudcrime of misusing another person's credit card without their permission
all-time highkiedy czegoś jest najwięcej ze wszystkiego do tej pory
identity theftstealing someone's personal details, usually in order to access their bank accounts or credit cards
spend a fortunewydać fortunę
run up a billaccumulate a bill
falsified recordsrecords in which something was changed in order to deceive people
fraudulentfałszywe, oszukańcze
put down a depositpay a sum of money in advance as part of a total payment
low interest rateniska stopa procentowa
default on repaymentsfail to pay a debt
call in loansdemand that a person pay back the money the bank has lent to them
backersponsor, mecenas
write off debtsaccept that an amount of money has been lost or that a debt will not be paid
cost-cutting measures(pomiar) redukcji kosztów
carry out survey/do surveyNOT MAKE survey
online shoppingzakupy online
value for moneywart swojej ceny
fit for purposegood at doing what it is supposed to do
purchasezakup, kupno
make a complaintzłożyć zażalenie
offer a discountoferować rabat
place an orderzłożyć zamówienie
regular customersstali klienci
satisfied customersusatysfakcjonowani klienci
bottom linekońcowy wynik/kwestia zasadnicza
healthy competitionzdrowa rywalizacja
do the shoppingregular, daily, weekly or monthly shopping that people do for food and household items; a household
go shoppingthe additional meaning of shopping as a leisure activity
prompt servicenatychmiastowa obsługa
next-day serviceobsługa z dnia na dzień
put sb on holdkazać komuś czekać
poor qualityzła jakość
top qualitynajwyższa jakość
kick up a fuss(informal) make a very forcible complaint
demand a full refundask for all my money back
take one's custom elsewherenot buy from the same place again
grounds for complainta reason for complaining
provide an excellent servicezapewniać wspaniałą obsługę
conform to safety regulationsobey all the rules or laws relating to safety
honour all commitmentsdo what one said they would do
take complaints seriouslytraktować poważnie zażalenia
come up to standardreach appropriate standards
offer a replacementzaproponować wymianę
handle all complaintszająć się wszystkimi zażaleniami
abject povertyterrible poverty
be/fall behind with sthnot to do/produce/pay sth in time
capitalthe amount of money you need to start a business
close onnearly; can be used with the verbs: cost, charge, buy, spend, sell, invest etc.
counterfeit moneyfalse money
economicrelated to a country's economy
economicalcheap to use (particularly for cars)
the economya country's financial framework - its money, what it produces, its trade etc.
economyas an adjective for food and drink it means 'cheap'
eke out a livingto earn just enough money to survive
exclusiveso expensive that very few people can afford to go to/use/buy
extravagantspending more money than you can afford
financefunds, capital/ to provide funds, capital
fiscalrelated to government or public money, especially taxes
be heavily in debtto owe sb/an institution a lot of money
invoicea bill sent to you by a company to tell you how much you owe for a service
live from hand to mouthto barely manage financially
live in the lap of luxuryto have lots of money and lead a very comfortable life
make ends meetto manage financially
be overdrawnto be in debt to the bank because you have spent more money than you have in your account
pay off/clear your debtspay the money you owe
to earn a pittanceto earn a very low salary
prosperousrich, wealthy
return on an investmentthe profit one makes on an investment
to be rolling on itinfml to be very rich (only used after a noun)
royaltiesthe money a writer/musician receives anually from the sales of therir books/music
scrimp and saveto save as much money as you can even though you earn very little
large/small/considerable sum of money... amount of money
tighten one's beltinfml to try to spend less than usual
to be tight-fistedto be mean, to dislike spending money
have sth tucked awayto store sth valuable, eg money
turnoverthe amount of money earned by a business during a particular period of time
well-to-doinfml rich and often belonging to a high social class
well-heeledunfml rich
windfalla large amount of money you receive unexpectedly (eg inheritance)
appreciate in value(used for things) the value of sth will increase with the passing of time (often for investments)
depreciate in valueopposition to appreciate in value
borrowto get money from sb, or from a bank, which must be paid back at a later date
borrow heavilyto borrow a lot of money
be on a strict/tight budgetto have decided that you cannot spend more than a certain amount of money over a particular period
charge sb an amount of money for sthto ask for/take money for sth that you are selling
cost a (small) fortune/ a bomb/ the earthto cost a lot of money
go halves on sthto share the cost of sth
(in) instalments(in) small monthly payments
in a saleon special offer
in the region/neighbourhood ofapproximately
knock an amount of money off (the price of) sthto reduce the price of sth
lendto give sb money for a period of time, after which they have to pay it back
make the cheque payable toto put sb's name on the cheque so that they receive the money
make out a chequewrite sb's name on the cheque
be on a slary ofearn...
on the marketavailable to buy/ on sale
pay by chequeto use a cheque in order to pay
pay by credit cardto use a credit card in order to pay
pay cashto use cash in order to pay
put down a deposit on sthto pay part of the price of a product in order to reserve it
reduction indecrease in (eg the number/cost/amount/price of sth)
steady/gradual reductiona slow but continual reduction
dramatic/marked reductiona big reduction
retail at/forto be on sale in a shop for (X$)
run up a billto owe money, acquire debts (either by buying a lot of things or borrowing money)
sell sth at a profitsell sth at a higher price than you bought it
to be strapped for cash/hard up/short of moneyto have very little money
tax on sthmoney you have to pay to the government for provision of public services
to be up to one's ears in debtto owe a lot of money
to be valued atto be said to be worth
do away with sthget rid of sth (rula/law/tax/institution) so that it no longer exists
do your besttry as hard as you can to do/achieve sth
do likewiseto do the same
sth does more harm than goodsth causes more problems than it solves
do sb a power of goodto be beneficial to sb
do some revisionto look at and study your books and notes before you take an exam
do a roaring trade in sthto sell lots of sth
that should/will do the trickinfml that should/will solve a small problem that we have
do one's utmost (to do sth)to try as hard as one can to achieve sth
make no attempt to do sthnot to try to do sth
make do with sthsatisfy yourself with what you have, as opposed to what you want
make an effort (to do sth)to try hard to do sth
every effort has been made to...sb has/have done their very best to...
make a habit of doing sthto keep doing sth bad or wrong
make the most of sthto use an opportunity or situation so that you get the maximum possible benefit you can from it
make a point of doing sth/ make it a point to do sthto be very careful to do sth cause you believe it's important; often: when you want others to see it
sacrifice the early buds1
turn your hand to sth2