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to abrogate a law/treatyto bring a law/treaty to an official end
to bend the law/rulesto break the law/rules in a way that is considered not to be harmful
to contravene a lawto break a law
to impeahttp://wordki.pl/angielski/dodaj.htmlch a president/governorto make a formal statement saying that a person in public office has committed a serious offence
to infringe someone's rightsto prevent a person doing what they are legally allowed to do
to lodge an appealto make an official appeal
to uphold/overturn a verdictto say that a previous decision was correct/incorrect
to pervert the course of justiceto put obstacles in the way of justice being done
to quash a decision/convictionto change a previous official decision/conviction
to set a precedentto establish a decision which must, in English law, be taken into account in future decisions
to award/grant custody toto give one parent or adult the main responsibility for a child, especially after separation/divorce
to annul a marriage/agreement/lawto declare that it no longer extists and never existed
discriminationunfair treatment on grounds of sex, race or nationality
embezzlementstealing money that is in your care or belongs to an organization that you work for
harassmentmaking a person feel anxious and unhappy (for sexual reasons, to get a debt repaid)
insider trading/dealingillegal buying and selling of shares by someone who has specialist knowledge of a company
joyridingdriving around for enjoyment in a car you have stolen
money launderingmoving money obtained illegaly so that its origin cannot be traced
perjurylying when under oath
trespassgo onto someone else's land without permission
civil courtcourt that deals e.g. with divorces
indictable offenceprzestępstwo podlegające formalnemu, publicznemu oskarżeniu, w sądach wyższej instancji
summary offenceless serious offence, can be tried in a lower level of court; występek
summary trialrozprawa w trybie przyspieszonym, uproszczonym
statutory rightuprawnienie ustawowe
to infringepogwałcić, złamać (prawo)
discretionary powersuprawnienia stosowane według uznania
to abide by sb's decisionprzestrzegać, stosować się do czyjejś decyzji
abrogate,abrogationuchylać, uchylenie
contravene,contraventionwykraczać, wykroczenie (naruszać)
impeach,impeachmentoskarżać, oskarżenie
infringe,infringementnaruszać, naruszenie (pogwałcić)
pervert,perversionwypaczać, wypaczenie
indictable,indictmentzaskarżalny, oskarżenie
discretionary,discretiondowolny, swoboda
statutory,statuteustawowy, ustawa
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