wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
blind cornera corner around which you cannot see
collisiona crash in which two moving vehicles hit each other
crash barrierstrong low fence built along the side of a road or between two halves of a motorway to prevent acc.
dent a carto damage the metal of a car
bonnetmaska samochodu
to do...kphto drive at...kph
draw upto stop a vehicle
to be on full beamto have your lights raised so that you can see more
get out ofto leave a car, taxi, van, lorry
to get offto leave a plane, train, bike
to get in/intowsiąść do auta
to get onwsiąść do innych niż auto środków transportu
hairpin bendsharp bend in road, where road turns back in opposite direction
heavy trafficlots of traffic
hit/slam on the brakesto brake quickly and suddenly
jump a red lightto pass through a traffic light that is red
lanelarger, wide roads are divided into ...s
the lights changedthe traffic lights turned red or green
mount the pavementto go up on the pavament while driving
pull awayto start driving, having previously stopped (tr.lights) or having previously been parked
pull into somewhereto leave the road in order to stop somewhere
pull into move to the side of the road in order to let another vehicle pass
pull outjoin the traffic, having previously stopped
pull (sb) overto stop at the side of the road
pull upto stop a vehicle
put a car into reverseto change into reverse gear so that you can move backwards
skidto slide on the road
speedto go faster than the speed limit
stallwhen the engine of the car stops suddenly
swerve to avoid sthto suddenly move one's car sideways so as to avoid sth on the road
towif one vehicle ...s another, it pulls that vehicle behind it, often by means of a rope or a chain
tow sth awayto remove a vehicle that has been illegally parked or that has been involved in an accident
windscreenthe front window of a car
write a car offto damage a car so badly that repairing it would cost more than buying a new one
write-offsth that has been written off
above allespecially, in particular
air farethe money you pay for a ticket to fly on a plane
attentivehelpful and polite
boastif a place (a hotel, a resort) ...s a particular facility, it has this facility
book in advanceto reserve a ticket etc. some time before you travel etc.
confiscate sthto take sth away from sb as a punishment
consist ofto be made up of
crystal clear waterstransparent water
customs officeran official who checks your bags when you go through customs
direct flightnot stopping anywhere en route
discerningsb who has got good taste and enjoys expensive things
eruptwhen a volcano explodes
five star hotela luxury hotel
get away fromescape from/leave behind
haggle over the price of sthto argue with sb over the price of sth you want to buy
high/peak seasonthe time of the year when most people take their holidays
low season/off seasonpo sezonie
to be jet-laggedto feel very tired and disorientated as a result of having flown somewhere
to be littered with sthto have been made untidy and unpleasant by sth
local specialitysth common and particularly good in a certain area
look ontoto have a view of
be off the beaten trackto be a long way away from the places that tourists usually visit
be on offerto be available to buy or use/ to be sold at a reduced price
running waterwater that comes from a tap
soak up the sunto sunbathe
stopovera short stay somewhere during a long plane journey/ usually overnight stay
stretch of beachan area of beach
tarifffml the price you pay for a room in a hotel
touch downto land (for aircraft)
while away the/your time +ingto spend time in a pleasant way doing sth that does not require too much physical activity
arduous journeya journey which is difficult, tiring, needing a lot of effort
break the journeystop for a short time
put sb on standbymake sb wait to see if a seat became available
intrepid explorera brave, with no fear of dangerous situations explorer
boost the spirit of sbmake sb feel more cheerful
sb's spirit is highsb is in a positive mood
keep your eyes peeledinfml keep your eyes open
your budget doesn't quite stretch toyou can't afford
traffic has been severely disruptedtraffic has been prevented from continuing as usual
traffic is being divertedtraffic is being made to take a different route
densevery close together
die downgradually become less
tail backform a long queue
ease offgradually become less II
valid driving licencea driving licence which is currently in use or acceptable
grind the gearschange gear roughly and noisily
bear leftchange direction slightly towards the left
heavy trafficduże korki
side roadsboczne drogi
lengthy delaysduże opóźnienia
get stuck in trafficutknąć w korku
traffic is building uptworzy się korek
approach roadsdrogi dojazdowe
take a driving testpodejść do egzaminu na prawo jazdy
change gearzmienić bieg
get into reversecofać, jechać na wstecznym
flinchwzdrygać się
automatic carsamochód z automatyczną skrzynią biegów
manual carsamochód z ręczną skrzynią biegów
current UK licencevalid (in the UK) driving licence
right-hand-drive carsamochód z kierownicą po prawej stronie
keep to the lefttrzymać się lewej strony
move sidewaysporuszać się w bok, bokiem
be hailed asbyć okrzykniętym
handlebarskierownica roweru
oncomingzbliżający się
kay advantagegłówna zaleta
manoeuvrablesterowny, zwrotny
thirst for adventuregłód przygód
get itchy feetnie móc usiedzieć w miejscu
contain one's excitementpohamować podekscytowanie
do it all in one gopokonać podróż bez postojów
have a bit of a restodpocząć chwilę
do the sightsoglądnąć widoki
get a flightpolecieć
lo-cost airlinetanie linie lotnicze
to be fullnie mieć miejsca
get a seatdostać miejsce (np. w samolocie)
unexplored wildernessniezbadane dzikie obszary
sense of adventurepoczucie przygody
get hopelessly lostzgubić się
send out a search partywysłać ekipę poszukiwawczą
sunny spellokres słonecznej pogody
severe weather conditionssurowe warunki pogodowe
base camp managerkierownik głównego obozu
sheer epic grandeurnaprawdę epicka wspaniałość -,-
have special charmmieć w sobie urok
dull rumblenudne dudnienie
lull sb to sleepukołysać kogoś do snu
first leg of the journeythe first segment of a journey; the first flight of a multiflight trip
to be desperate for a jobbaaaaardzo chcieć dostać pracę
telesalesselling or marketing goods and services by phone (shorter)
telemarketingselling or marketing goods and services by phone (longer)
cold-callingphoning people who have not requested a call in order to try to sell them something
hard sellattempt to sell something by being very forceful
dubiousszemrany, nepewny
inertia sellingwhen a company behaves as if you agreed to buy something because you did not actually refuse it
confusion marketingselling products ina package ina way that makes it very difficult to work out which comp.is cheapest
a loss leaderthe item being sold very cheaply (in order to attract clients)
niche marketa specialized, small group of customers with particular interests
brand loyaltykupowanie ciągle w tej samej firmie
shop aroundtry different companies and shops to see which offers best value
buy something on approvalwhen you have the right to return something if it is not satisfactory
have first refusal on sthwhen you are promised to be asked if they'd like to buy sth FIRST (before the others)
come/go under the hammerwhen sth is sold at an auction
bidstawka (na aukcji)
highest bidderktoś, kto zaproponował najwyższą stawkę
lucrativeproducing a lot of money
red tapebureaucracy (negative)
mergejoin together to form one new company
takeoverprzejęcie władzy
reach a compromisecome to an agreement
hammer out dealtalk seriously and in detail until a business agreement is made
swallowed uptaken over by a larger company (slightly negative)
entrepreneurshipinvolvement in business and taking financial risks
capital assetsbuildings and machines owned by a company
put in/submit a tenderto supply a written offer to do a job for an agreed price
win a tenderto be given a job after submitting a tender
meet/miss a deadlineto supply/fail to supply something by the agreed time
penalty clausepart of a contract specifying what will happen if an agreement is broken
outstanding accountan account that has not yet been paid
to default on a paymentto fail to pay something that had been agreed
acknowledge receiptto inform the sender when something is received
ship an orderto send out goods that have been ordered
shipmentsth that is sent (and was ordered previously by sb)
expireto end (of something that was agreed for a fixed period)
expirythe end of something that was agreed for a fixed period
communicatea verb which suggests that listeners understand what the speaker is trying to convey
low moralelow amount of confidence felt by a person or group
character flawscharacter weaknesses
teamworkworking together for a common purpose
square dealdobry interes
endeavorstarać się
conduct businessprowadzić biznes
amass a fortunezgromadzić fortunę
survival of the fittestdobór naturalny
chief executivedyrektor naczelny
award for achievementnagroda za osiągnięcia
personal gesture towardsosobisty gest w kierunku...
human factorczynnik ludzki