wordki.pl - nauka słówek
word of the day
autor: kasiap19
to chucklechichotać
figure sth/sb outzrozumiec cos/kogos
step forwardwystapic na przód, zgłosic się
hand sb overwydać kogoś w czyjes rece
clean sth outwysprzatac cos
underdoneniedogotowany, niedopieczony
chase sb upprzyciskac kogos, ponaglac
turn sth uppodwijać coś np. rekawy
to pronounceoznajmiac, oglaszac
float aroundznajdowac sie w poblizu
to hollerwykrzykiwac, drzec sie
jump inwtracac sie w rozmowe
consideratetaktownny, troskliwy, uprzejmy, mily
firm sth upumacniac cos, wzmacniac (swimming can help you firm up your thigs)
type sth inwpisac cos, wklepac ( Type in your password, then press "login")
the upshotwynik, nastepswo, rezultat (The upshot was that he was fired from his job)
go away with sthwymigac sie, uniknac czegos (He cheated on the test and thought he could get away with it)
to entertainzabawiac (That TV programme aims to educate and entertain at the same time)
take sth backzwrocic cos, oddac (If you don't like these gloves, I can take them back.)
to confide in sbzwierzac sie komus (Remember that you can always confide in me.)
fit sb inznalezc dla kogos czas (Dr Smith is very busy but she'll try to fit you in tomorrow.)
nubsedno, istota ( I'm afraid the real nub of the problem is money.)
layoutplan, rozklad (This is a beautiful house with an excellent layout plan)
shiftywygladajacy podejrzanie, nie budzacy zaufania (You're looking a bit shifty. What have you been doing
lead offrozpoczynac ( He led off the conference with questions from the audience.)
negligencezaniedbanie (The surgeon was accused of gross negligence and unprofessional conduct.)
turn sb outwyrzucac kogos (He was turned out of his flat because he didn't pay the rent.)
welcomingserdeczny,mily ( I love being here as the people are all so friendly and welcoming.)