wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 1
autor: tysiek
tailbackaccumulation of traffic
spellboundmesmerised, hypnotised
telltalea person who reports another's secrets
to tenderiseto make sth more tender
thanklessnot likely to bring any reward
tempestuousstromy, turbulent
slowcoacha person who acts slowly
showdowna final test, argument
turncoata person who changes, sways from one side to another
to stockpileto accumulate
racketeera person who wants much monet for the things that are worth less
restiveuneasy, restless
remedialthat can act as a remedy
roadworthythat can be used to travel
roughagecellulose, indigestible material that is used to digestion
troubleshootera person that solves problems
toeholdsecure grasp with one's toes
tailwindwind that blows from behind
tearawayan irresponsible person
theatregoera person that goes to the theatre
slapdashdoing things in a careless, hasty manner
strikeboundunable to function because of a strike
tumultuousviolently noisy
tutorageprotection, guardianship
rebuttalan instance of refusing
rationalelogical basis upon which sth is built
unerringnot making mistakes/ not mistaken
twinea strong threat
to browseto look through, to search
to lopto splash
fracturewhen one of your bones is broken
breachan instance of breaking
to pass onto hand in/on
to pass overnot to consider sb for ex. promotion
scaremongersb who spreads alarming news
recipientsb who receives sth
payloadpart of load of a ship
payeea person that pays/ is paid
potshotshot made without taking aim/ a random attempt at sth