wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 3
autor: tysiek
knitwearclothes that are knitted
to sound off about sthto talk about sth noisily and boastfully
to round upto cause sb to gather in one place
a look-alike competitionpeople who resemble sb well-known gather & the most akin person is chosen
all the ragevery popular or fashionable
to humpto carry sth on one's back
to hunchto bend forward one's shoulders
peeka quick look
briefingan instance of providing sb with necessary information
speckled withmarked with
to poketo nudge
to scramble sth upto mix sth in an untidy way
premisesarea that marks some institution
to fall in withto agree, to harmonise
to keep up withto keep the same pace
to come down toto be the matter of
to live up toto meet sb's expectations
to labelto put a label
to string sth togetherto combine to form a meaningful statement
to tell ofto reprimand
to add upto make sense
to sprinkleto splash, to lop, to throw sth in small drops over some surface
at close quartersfrom a short distance
lovelornto be unhappy because of unfortunate love ?
to imperilto endanger
inopportunenot at the right moment
keynotethe most important thing ex. in a speech
monstrositya thing that is huge, large and ugly
kafkaesqueimplying sinister forces
malaisea feeling of uneasiness, confusion
to retrieveto get back
irretrievablethat cannot be got back
to empoverishto make sb poor
to joyrideto steal a car and go for a ride
a life-bloodsth that gives strength and vitality
inroada sudden attack
to make inroads intoto attack suddenly
ignominiousshameful, causing disgrace
to maladjustto adjust wrongly
to luxuriateto take great pleasure
a loudmoutha person who talks a lot
imperturbablecool, not worrying easily
at this juncturein this particular stage
reignan instance of holding power
to proclaimto make known officially, to announce, to herald
cornucopiaan abundant source of information
blatantobvious, shameless
treasuretrovea person to whom sb turns for information, help/ a rich source of information
ruckusnoisy disturbance, uproar, confusion