wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 4
autor: tysiek
knick-knacksmall, ornamental articles of small value
calamityserious misfortune or disaster
to interlace sth with sthto cause things to be bound by weaving them together
to mountto climb
to mount sth on sthto fix in a particular place
mountingincreasing (ex. evidence)
chasma serious disagreement
beef(metaphorically) muscular strength
to beef aboutto grumble, to complain
to lead sb up the garden pathto deceive
to promulgateto make sth officially known, to announce, to proclaim
to espouseto support
hand-pickedcarefully chosen
to instigateto cause sth troublesome
exertiongreat effort
to sowto plant
to disperseto cause sb to go into different directions
to relishto enjoy greatly
meticulouslywith great care & attention
outleta way out
liabilityan instance of being responsible
probationa test
to probeto test
abodea place where you live (ex. a house)
on locationin natural surroundings
dwellingplace of residence
to mergeto join sth bigger, to combine, to amalgamate, to incorporate
to wadeto go with difficulty
to be befuddledto be confused/ to be made look stupid
defunctno longer in use, no longer effective
vapiddull, uninteresting, pedestrian
travailpainful effort
piddlingunimportant, small, trivial
to swat(ex. a fly) to hit esp. with a flat object
to balkto be reluctant to deal with sth/ to prevent, to obstruct
hereafterfrom now on
unpalatableunpleasant to one's mind or taste
a no-noa thing that you cannot agree or accept
to strike a chord withto agree, to identify with
whollytreating sth as a whole
to endangerto imperil
to dareto have courage to do sth
to hazardto risk sth
to brave sthto endure or to face sth withour showing fear
to chuckto throw
to peerto look closely and carefully
immenslystrongly, greatly
to fall behind with sthto be late with sth
to make up for sthto compensate