wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 6
autor: tysiek
to slideto glide, to move smoothly
to skidto move sideways/ to slide
to stewto suffocate
to incurto bring sth upon oneself, to cause oneself to suffer
to throw caution to the windto stop being cautious
to step upto increase
deterrentsth that makes sb less likely to do sth
to bestow sth on sbto give, to grant
proximatenear, the nearest
to impedeto frustrate, to obstruct, to slow down the development of sth, to balk
impedimentobstacle, obstruction
to meddleto interfere
to recantto withdraw, to cancel, to reject
cornerstone of sththe foundation, basis of sth
eponymousnamed after
to shredto cut, to tear/ to oppose, to prove false, to refuse
to eschewto avoid, to shun, to keep away from
to pick upto gather from the ground/ to learn a bit
to look upto check
principalgeneral, the most important
concretelygiving a definite answer
attentive tomindful of
on alertready for an action
to carveto cut sth out of sth
to have a substanceto have sth esential that one finds convincing
the ranksordinary people
to striketo hit
internalon/of the inside
innerwithin one's body or an area
to counteractto act against sth/ to reduce the force or effect of sth
lucidclearly expressed
to abateto make sth less violent, serious or strong
a case of mind over mattermental pover versus physical strength