bounce ideas off sb | disscus with sb | |
knowledgable about sth | having a lot of knowledge about sth | |
convolutet phrases | to complicated | |
acronym (np.BBC) | skrot | |
increase comprehension | increase easier understanding | |
listen intently | listen fuly | |
top into advice from sb | to listen to sb advice | |
to readily follow sb | chętnie podążać za kimś | |
readily | willingly | |
soak in time | czas na przeanalizowanie | |
overemphasized | przesadzone | |
blow sb's mind | suprise and shock- wysadzic umysl | |
press | prasa | |
product placement | lokowanie produktu | |
sponsorship | sponsorowane | |
target | cel | |
viral advertising | zarazajaca reklama | |
a campaign | kampania | |
a product | produkt | |
an adertisement | ogloszenie | |
an event | wydarzenie | |
a consumer | klient | |
clever | sprytny | |
powerful | potezny | |
shocking | szokujace | |
informative | informacyjny | |
eye-catching | rzucajacy sie oczy | |
controversial | kontrowersyjne | |
stuntmen | kaskader | |
empowerment | upowaznienie | |
faculty | umiejetnosc | |
to achieve | spelnic | |
aim | cel | |
success in doing sth | sukces w zrobieniu czegos | |
giving people the power to do sth | dawac ludziom sily do robienia czegos | |
teaching staff | kadra nauczycielska | |
independence | niezaleznosc | |
freedom | wolnosc | |
freedom to make your own desicious | wolnosc w dokonywaniu wlasnych decyzji | |
social networking | spolecznosciowy | |
networking | tworzenie sieci | |
referrals | skierowanie | |
referrals | all the people get to know through net working | |
issue | rezultat/sprawa/wynik | |
incentives | motywatory | |
advertorial | tekst/artykul sponsorowany | |
banner ads | banery | |
bilboards | bilbord | |
hoardings | bilbord | |
communicate | komunikowac | |
endorse | lansowac | |
exhibition | wystawa | |
free samples | darmowe probki | |
leaflets/flyers | ulotki | |
outdoor advertising | reklama otwartych drzwi ? | |
space | pomieszczenie | |
pont-of-sale | punkt sprzedazy | |
posters | plakaty | |
a reserved parking space | zarezerewowac miejsce parkingowe | |
an office with view | biuro z widokiem | |
a uniform | mundurek | |
a personal businnes card | osobista biznesowa karta | |
the latest company mobile phone | najnowszy firmowy telefon | |
an assistant | asystent | |
taking holiday when you like | miec wakacje kiedy sie chce | |
flying business class | latac klasa biznesowa | |
fixed working hours | stale godziny pracy | |
subsidiary | company which is at least half-owned by another company | |
factory/plant | a large building or group of buildinga where goods are made | |
call centre | an office where people answer questions and make sales over the phone | |
service centre | a place where faulty products are mended | |
head quarters | the main office or building of a company | |
distributioin centre | a buidling from which goods or supplies are sent to factories,shops or customers | |
warehouse | a building for storing goods in large quantities | |
outlet | a place through which goods are sold | |
prepare acounts | sporzadzac sprawozdanie | |
deal with complains | skladac zazalenie? | |
draw uo contracts | podpisac kontakt | |
carry out research | wykonywac badanie | |
train staff | szkolic kadre | |
run advertising compaigns | kampania reklamowa | |
issue press releases | wynik opublikowania prasy? | |
operate assembly lines | operowac linia montazowa | |
prepare budgets/accounts | tworzyc budzet | |
keep records | utrzymywac wynik | |
transport good and | trasport rzeczy | |
install and maintain system equipment | instalowanie i konserwowanie systemowego wyposazenia | |
pep talk | talk whore wrote incarrage | |
bureaucratic | biurokracja | |
decentralised | zdecentralizowany | |
impresonal | bezosobowy | |
caring | opieka | |
democratic | demokratyczny | |
market driven | wymuszony przez rynek | |
centralised | zcentralizowany | |
dynamic | dynamiczny | |
proffesional | profecjonalny | |
conservative | konserwatywny | |
hierarchical | hierarchiczny | |
progressive | progresywny | |
high profile boss | boss who is very recognise | |
perks | bonusy | |
hammocks | hamak | |
indicates=to show | wskazywac | |
prominent | very important | |
large rubber palls | proszkowe pufy | |
fostering | taking care of | |
appeal | przemowic | |
accomplishment | umiejetnosc | |
initiatives | inicjatywy | |
autonomy | autonomiczny | |
publicity stunt | sth done to get people's attention | |
design features | an important, interesting or typical part of sth | |
slogan | a short phrase that is easy to remember | |
poster campaign | a series of actions intended to get a particular result | |
press coverage | newspapers and magazines | |
teaser advertisement | reklamy drazniace | |
advertising campaign | kampania reklamowa | |
digital advertising | reklama cyfowa? | |
advertising agencies | agencja reklamowa | |
traditional advertising | tradycyjna reklama | |
a broadcaster | prezenter | |
a live advertisement | "zycie" reklamy | |
profit margin | the difference between the price of a product or service and the cost of producing it | |
investment | money which people or organisations put into a business to make a profit | |
bankruptcy | when a person or organisation is unable to pay their debts | |
a dividend | a part of comany's profits paid to the owners of shares | |
pre-tax profits | the money a business makes before payment to the governemnt | |
annual turnover | the amount of money which a business obtains from customers by selling goods or services | |
interim | przejsciowe/czasowe | |