wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Kartkowka Derreck
autor: snake
stiflesuppress, ograniczac
prohibitionthe act of forbidding behavior
frameworksupporting structure
potentialcapable of being developed or used
royalitiespayment to an author etc for each copy or performance of his/her work
inheritepeceived from a predecessor
spirallcontinually increasing or decreasing
snippeta small piece ( ~ access [trailer])
revivalbringing bact to life, or back to use
anxietyn, feeling worried
bewilderedconfused and not understanding
blissfulextremely happy
congealedturned from liquid to solid
consolingconforting someone who is sad, cheering them up
exasperatedannoyed, irritated
franticmad, wild
peculiarstrange and unusual
tranquilcalm and peacful
aspireto have a lofty (high) ambition, goal or desire
aspiresShe ... to be the best writer in her class
delveto research or investigate something thruoghly
delved intoThe company ... ... his background to make sure he was right for the job
persevereto persit determinedly in an action or a belief, esp one what presents difficulties or obstacles
persevereDespite the exhausting work she vowed to ... through medical school
scrutinizeto examine something critically or with great care
scrutinizeIt's smart to ... every word on a contract before signing it.
divisivecapable of causing deep divisions or disagreements esp within a group
divisivePolitics can be a ... subjects
laudableworthy of admiration or praiseworthy
requisitenecessary or indespensable, required
viablecapable of being done
laudableRaising money for childre's charities is a ... accomplishment
requisiteHer CV showed that she had the ... skills for the job
viableBuilding a new bridge across the river is a ...proposition
persevere(at/in/with) trwać (przy), wytrwać, nie ustawać (w czymś)
aspire toaspirowac do, dazyc
delve intokopać, ryć; zagłębiać się;to ~ in archives kopać w archiwach.
scrutinizebadać dokladnie
divisivepowodujacy podzialy
laudablegodny podziwu,chwalebny
requisitewymagana, konieczna
viabledostepny, wykonalny, realny
anxietyniepokój, trwoga, obawa;
bewilderedzdziwiony, zdumiony, oszołomiony, zdezorientowany
blissfulbłogi, rozkoszny, radosny
exasperatedbardzo zirytowany
franticoszalały, szalony, gorączkowy
peculiarcharakterystyczny, typowy, swoisty
tranquilcichy; spokojny; niezmącony.
translucentprzeświecający; półprzeźroczysty