wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
scribblewrite quickly, without much care
jot down/make a note ofinf/fml write sth down to remember it
copy outcopy in writing
write downcopy in writing what is spoken
write upmake a proper written text based on notes
first draftfirst attempt at writing something
manuscriptoriginal handwritten version
doodlingdrawing and writing irrelevant things on the paper in front of you
typescript/manuscripttyped text
formatcreate the page as it will appear when printed
cut and paste/copy and pastemove text from one place to another using a word processor
shaded boxzacieniowana ramka
in boldpogrubiony
be italicised / in italicsnapisany kursywą
font sizerozmiar czcionki
bulletkropka (punktory)
indentwcięcie (w tekście)
double inverted commas/quotation marks" "
single quotation marks/quotes' '
round brackets()
diamond/angle brackets<>
square brackets[]
chain/curly brackets{}
capitals/upper caseQWERTY
small letters/lower caseqwerty
block capitalswielkie, drukowane litery
chapter headingnagłówek/tytuł rozdziału
reiteratestale powtarzać
epitomiseV być typowym przykładem
expoundwykładać, rozprawiać; develop propose
epitomeN typowy przykład
positesuggest as a basic fact/principle
attempt to account for sthattempt to find the cause of sth
comprise/make up ... ofzawierać, obejmować, składać się z (Jap visitors ... 70% of guests.)
to be comprised ofto be composed of (The course .... two elements: reading and writing)
subsumebring together, unite
embracecover, include (The book... a number of issues)
categoriselabel sth as belonging to a particular type or class
categorizationcategorize -> noun
prefaceopatrywać przedmową, rozpoczynać
prefacewstęp, przedmowa
map outzaplanować
return to sthwrócić do czegoś
This brings us to the next area of discussionTo prowadzi nas do kolejnej dziedziny w tej dyskusji
addressskierować, postawić (np. pytanie)
ascending/descending order of importancepod względem ważnośc (wzrastająco/malejąco)
allude tonawiązywać do czegoś
allusionnawiązanie do czegoś
citeprzytoczyć, zacytować
Sth is beyond the scope of this essaycoś wykracza poza (kompetencje) tego eseju
deal with sthuporać się/ zajmować się czymś
touch upon sthdotknąć czegoś, poruszyć coś (w eseju)
We are forced to conclude that...Prowadzi nas to do niezaprzeczalnego wniosku, że...
I honestly thinknot: I strongly think
I'll give it some thoughtzastanowić się nad czymś
Bear in mind thatremember that
It's common knowledge thatEveryone knows that
grasp the importance ofunderstand how important something is
I take the view thatI believe that
It's a foregone conclusion thatIt's absolutely certain that
rough ideageneral idea
subscribe to the theoryhold that opinion
widespread beliefgenerally held view
Opinions are divided as to whether ... or notPeople hold different views
It is my firm convictionI am totally convinced
I am becoming awarenot: I am getting aware
judge sb harshlyto be very critical of someone
poor judgementbłędny osąd, zła ocena
pass judgement oncriticise (... other people)
against your better judgementwbrew zdrowemu rozsądkowi
a lack of judgementan inability to judge a situation wisely
error of judgementbad decision
think laterallyapproach a probl. in an imaginative way rather than using traditional app.
have a fertile imaginationto produce lots of original and interesting ideas
wrestle with a problemstruggle to find a solution
nagging doubtan unpleasant feeling of doubt that will not go away
sth fuelling speculationencouraging people to consider that sth may be true
jump to conclusionsguess the facts about a situation without having enough information
personal convictionosobiste przekonanie
harshly treatedsurowo traktowany
submit a reportprzedstawić sprawozdanie
present one's findingszaprezentować wnioski
select a research topicwybrać temat badań
working hypothesisa theory which can be used provisionally byt may change
support the hypothesisnot: prove the hypothesis
undertake a study<- fml. carry out/ do (infml) a study
research ethicsa system of standards which control how research is done
literature reviewanaliza literatury
background readinglektury uzupełniające
in-depth critiqueexamination and judgement of something, done carefully and in great detail
provide a rationalegive... podać powody, przesłanki
back up your conclusions with evidencepotwierdzić swoje wnioski dowodami
lay out you results in the form of tablesprzedstawić wyniki w formie tabel
vigorous defencevery strong and forceful defence
make a good case for sthdowodzić słuszności czegoś
confront issuesstawać wobec kwestii..
put the case for??
tackle the issues that opponents have raisedblokować/zbijać pewne argumenty przeciwników
exhaustive accountextremely detailed account
indicatewykazywać (nadanie wykazują)
formulate new theoriestworzyć nowe teorie
test theoriessprawdzać, czy teorie są prawdziwe
cover a lot of groundprzebyć kawał drogi; omówić wiele spraw; obejmować wachlarz spraw
full explanationcałkowite wyjaśnienie
the thrust of one's argumentthe main idea or opinion that is discussed
first-hand knowledgesth experienced directly
critical analysisa detailed study or examination which assesses quality
do researchnot: make research
advocateto argue in favour of sth
deducereach a conclusion by thinking carefully about the known
inferto reach a conclusion indirectly
complementcombine well with sth - each piece of work becomes more effective
overlappartially cover the same material
empiricalbased on what is observed rather than theory
ambiguousopen to different interpretations
coherentlogically structured
comprehensivecovering all that is relevant
authoritativethorough and expert
arbitrarybased on chance rather than a plan or any particular reason
deviate from the normto be different from what is typical
distort (the picture)give a false impression
incidenceif you refer to... of sth, you are talking about how often in occurs in the population
predominantthe largest in number
in sequencein a particular order
widespreadsth happens in many places or with many people
appendto add (at the end)
conceivethink up; wymyślić
contradictto go against
convenemeet; zwoływać, zbierać się
denotebe a sign of, stand for
negatemake useless, wipe out
residelie, live
triggerto cause
conversethe opposite
crucialvery important
notwithstandingdespite this
somewhatrather; nieco
therebyin this way; tym samym, w ten sposób
wherebyby which (method)