wordki.pl - nauka słówek
kwiecień 1.2
autor: tysiek
aviarya cage or building where birds are kept
stagan adult male deer
doean adult female deer
sleda thing pulled by dogs
laira place where animals hide/ sb's hideout
pridea group of lions
odometerdevice that measures how fast you run
morona stupid person
senileof old people
to severto cut
to smudgeto smear sth over sth
millstonedbig flat stones between which grains are grounded
to honeto sharpen
varnisha substance that you put on a painting or a piece of furniture
spousea wife or a husband
counselorsb who gives advice
to dimto make less light
to bleachto make sth lighter, to colour
to muffleto make sth less intense
morticianan undertaker, a person who prepares the funeral
surveyora person that assess the condition of the building
transitan instance of moving from one place to another
ruthlesscruel, considerate
dauntlessnot easily discouraged or frightened
affablefriendly, polite
dutifultreating duties seriously
omnibusa kind of bus/ a person who knows everything
boughone of the main branches of a tree
atolla small island
inleta narrow bay
valorbravery in war
boisterousnoisy, lively
griefan instance of suffering because of some unhappiness
timoroustimid, shy
felineof cats
herbivorouseating plants
quadrupedan animal with four legs
crustaceanan animal with hard outer shell
to counteractto act against
to live in penuryto live in extreme poverty
circuitouslong and indirect
impecunioushaving no or little money
integritythe quality of being honest and morally upright
inceptionwhen one things causes another
corkageopłata korkowa
carnagean instance of killing many people or animals
eulogyexpressing praise
elegyexpressing sorrow
to prickto sting
to thrustto push roughly
to sipto drink taking small gulps
to gulpto drink taking big sips
to vexto annoy, to irritate
to enrageto cause to be in a rage
to vindicateto take sb's money
to appalto shock
assiduousshowing careful attention
fortuitoushappening by chance or coincidence
industrythe quality of bein hard-working
beaveran animal that cuts trees
ferocityan instance of being fierce and violent
dronea male bee
quaila bird that leaves small eggs, sometimes eaten by people
bevya flock of sth
gauntleta glove
sceptera rod carried by a ruler