wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 9
autor: tysiek
pedestriandull, uninteresting, mundane, vapid
aquacadeswimming, diving, wet
congregationa gathering/ a religious group
preachera person who talks in an annoying way about moral issues
to preachto talk in an annoying way about moral issues
entrepreneura person that undertakes sth difficult
moonlightera person who works at night/ sb who takes extra job after hours
benedictiona blessing
to admonishto scold, to urge, to warn
to reproachto criticise, to rebuke
to exhortto advise strongly, to urge
to pay homageto show respect
gustatoryreferring to taste
olfactoryreferring to smell
kinesthetictending to exhort and advise strongly
palpablethat can be touched
sheepishfoolish, embarrassed, befuddled
coya kitten/ sb who is timid and not serious
kittenishplayful like a kitty
contriterepentant, showing regret
glibshowing the ability to use language in a convincing way, talking easily
pertlively, amusing
pungentstrong, irritating
to spatterto splash, to sprinkle
to clatterto make noise when heavy objects hit each other
lariatsth used by cowboys to catch things
preamblefirst part
a by-linea line giving writer's name
premonitiona feeling that sth bad will happen
omena sign, a warning
to disbandto stop being a group
to conveneto organise a meeting
to musterto gather
to countermandto cancel
to gambleto hazard
rusea trick to excuse or deceive sb
drabdull, uninteresting
insipidlacking in taste
dismalgloomy, unhappy
to thawto melt
decrepitmade week by age or hard use
enervatednervous, with little enthusiasm
languidinactive, slow-moving