wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 10
autor: tysiek
pallidpale because of an illness
gulliblehumiliating, shameful
tearfulcrying or ready to cry
vehemencean instance of feeling sth very strong
reconciliationan instance of reconciling
paddya field where rice grows
furrowa narrow strip on ground/ a deep wrinkle
timelinessan instance of coming on suitable time
chimericalthat cannot be predicted easily, fickle
horticulturalconnected with growing plants
to mournto show deep sorrow at the loss of sth
to discernto see
to muteto make silent
a tellera person who works in a bank
outingan instance of going out
to fathomto understand, to gain a deep knowledge, to have insight into
a rotaa schedule of duties
to fidgetto make restless movements
to plungeto jump with one's head first
to gear up forto prepare, to ready oneself
to pluckto pull
to pluck up the courage to do sthto gather one's courage
to stumble uponto find unexpectedly
to intermingleto mix
palpable to one's mind/tastelikeable, acceptable
confidentialthat cannot be made known to sb, clandestine
intimateprivate, personal
to come undercoverto do sth secretly because it's against the rules
to plead with sbto beg
to craveto desire
to assertto state sth in a very strong way
to pledgeto promise solemnly, in a very serious way
uneasyanxious, worried, malaise
edgynervous, likely to be upset
to bringto cause to appear
to spring to mindto come quickly to one's mind
to draw breathto inhale
to hold breathto stop breathing
to take breathto stop from breathing
to set out to doto start doing sth
the undoinga thing that causes sb to suffer
punishingexhausting/ requiring effort, energy
stardoman instance of being a star
to be instrumental in sthto be the cause, the most important reason
to loatheto hate
in statein a coffin
to hit the sackto go to bed
hard of hearingwhen you don't hear well
on sick leavesick and tired
in the eye of sbonly by sb's opinion
to catch onto become popular
a remote possibilitynot likely to happen
laxallowing a lot, permissive
to pace up and downto go to and fro
slouchinghunching and looking unattractive
a caddya person who helps the golf player
stillmotionless, not sparkled