wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 11
autor: tysiek
to romp aboutto play in a lively way
to bend over backwards to do sthto do all within one's power to please sb
to get wind of sthto hear a rumour, to get to know about sth usually secret
unsolicitednot asked for, voluntary
hardyable to endure difficult conditions, able to survive a lot
a surfeit of sthtoo much of sth
stodgydrab, pedestrian
off-kilterdisfunctional, that does not function properly
regimensa set of rules that ones have to follow
to be riddled withto be full of
abstrusecomplex, too difficult to understand
tenuoustiny/ having little significance or substance
to fall by the waysideto fail to make progress
to give sb the runaroundto treat sb deceitfully, in a deceitful, evasive manner
shoddyof poor quality/ badly composed
a flukea thing that is accidentally successful, a stroke of luck
to make a minceto make a lot of money on sth
diceyrisky, dangerous (informal)
a deadbeata person who has no money or home, doesn't pay debts/ sb who has lost his will to live and develop
to curseto wish sb the worst
a blightsth that spoils the beauty of sth
capacityability/ volume
rifta chasm, a disagreement, a division
to strainto try really hard
to siftto look closely and separate interesting things from the rest
a dykea long wall of earth/ground
in handclose, near, proximate
at handwithin one's reach
venalpeople who accept money for doing sth dishonest, connected with law
embezzlementwhen you use company funds for personal gains
bestmore than half
to be persevere in doing sthto endure, to try again and again in spite of difficultier
to retortto answer angrily
to resistnot to give up
to recompenseto compensate, to make up for
to retaliateto try to get even with sb who harmed you
to loiterto spend time doing nothing or useless things
to lingerto remain in small quantities, to be loath to leave
to recourseto turn to sth for help
insensicalunwise, ridiculous