wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
It was a blast!Było super!
look into, investigaterozpatrywać, analizować - neutral
dig out info aboutrozpatrywać, analizować - informal
conduct an investigation intorozpatrywać, analizować - formal
proberozpatrywać, analizować - neutral, journalistic
sth is subject to police investigationcoś jest przedmiotem śledztwa - formal, legal and official
submit assignmentoddać pracę - formal
hand in assignmentoddać pracę - neutral
request an extensionpoprosić o przedłużenie terminu - formal
ask for an extensionpoprosić o przedłużenie terminu - neutral
consult one's tutorskonsultować się z wykładowcą - formal
have a word with one's tutorskonsultować się z wykładowcą - neutral
totally awesome(informal) - absolutely amazing (neutral)
well good(infml) - very, really good (neutral)
I haven't a clue/the foggiest idea(infml) - I have no idea (neutral)
grab a snack(infml) - have a snack (neutral)
I din't have much lucknie miałem za dużo szczęścia
bright ideamądry pomysł
that thought occured to meteż o tym pomyślałem
I haven't gone to any troublenie wysiliłem się
have a go at sbwkurzyć się na kogoś
He really got to herHe made her very upset
He didn't mean any harmHe didn't intend to do or say anything wrong
I can bear a thoughtnie mogę znieść myśli
I wouldn't lose any sleepI wouldn't worry
news travels fastwieści szybko się roznoszą
It came as a bit of a shockto był dla mnie mały szok
to be brutally honestjeśli mam być szczery
welcome reliefupragniona ulga
I know the feelingI feel the same
I'll be glad to see the back of herI'll be happy to see her leave
Are you up for sth?Would you like to...?
give sb a good send-offdo something special to say goodbye
the simple reason ispo prostu dlatego, że
be on the goto be very busy
have a decent night's sleepwyspać się porządnie
I can't face the tought ofAni myślę...
feeble excusesłaba wymówka
be up for sthmieć na coś ochotę
give me a ringzadzwoń do mnie
drop me an emailwyślij mi maila
I hope I didn't cause you any trouble/ put you to any troubleMam nadzieję, że nie zrobiłem ci kłopotu
I'm really/very much looking forward to...Naprawdę nie mogę się doczekać żeby...
I sincerely/very uch hope ...Mam szczerą nadzieję. że...
I'm absolutely delightedjestem zachwyciny
It's a great pleasureTo ogromna przyjemność
mumble/ muttermamrotać, negative
murmurmruczeć, mamrotać, positive
without a murmurwithout any protest, aomplaint, comment
raise one's voicespeak louder
raide one's voicespeak in loud, angry tone
shout atkrzyczeć na..._ _ o _ _
yell atkrzyczeć na... _ _ l _; conveys urgency, anger, frustration; often: PRZEkrzyczeć
scream atwydzierać się na _ c _ _ _ _
roar atkrzyczeć - loud volume, but deep-pitched; positive and negtive (crowd can also do it while a match)
shriek atkrzyczeć na... s_ _ _ _ _; loud, very high-pitched, positive and negative
chatter awayhave a light, non-serious talk
nag at sbcriticise faults of sb
bickerargue in an irritating way
wind sb uptease, fool sb
slag offinfml: criticise
butter sb upnegative, say nice things to sb because of possible benfits from it
whine, whingeinfml, negative: to complain
lispdifficulty in making an "s" sound and making a "th" sound instead
stammerspeak with abnormal pauses and repetitions
stutterrepeat sounds at the beginning of words
slurwhen one's words hav a slow, lazy sound; difficult to understand
get tongue tiedto be unable to say what one wants to say, to mix up words
beat itgo away
bungthrow/give/put (4 let)
chuckthrow or give (5 let)
flogto sell
hammer sbto beat sb/ another team very easily and convincingly
nip out/ to..to go soewhere for a short time
popto quickly put
scoffto eat quickly and greedily
scourgeto borrow, especially money
Can I scourge?Will you give me...
stinkto have a bad smell
airy-fairynot practical or realistic
chock-a-blockvery crowded with people or cars
clapped-outold and in bad condition (for cars and machines)
daftsilly, not sensible
dodgyrisky and dangerous/ dishonest& untrustworthy (ppl)/ weak (part of the body)
grossdisgusting to look at, taste, or think about
nippycold (for weather)
poshexpensive and upper class
tackypoor quality, cheap, and showing lack of good taste
tattyold an in bad condition
chicken outnot to do sth because you are afraid
chuck (sth) outto get rid of sth
conk outto break down (machines and cars)
cough upto pay sb money (often used as a request - "You lost the bet, so come on, ..)
hit it offto really like each other; przypaść sobie do gustu
rip sb offto cheat sb out of money
set sb backto cost - ile cię to kosztowało?
slag sb offto criticise sb (3 words)
wind (sb) upto tease sb in order to annoy or provoke them
A: cross the street B: cross the roadprzejść przez ulicę (A, B)
kitty - cornerB: diagonally opposite
diagonally oppositeA: kitty-corner
gas stationB: petrol station
petrol stationA: gas station
crosswalkB: pedestrian/zebra crossing
pedestrian/zebra crossingA: crosswalk
trailB: path
pathA: trail
creekB: stream, small river
stream, small riverA: creek
take a leftB: turn left
turn leftA: take a left
Interstatemajor motorway in the US connectiong different states
intersectionB: road junction
road junctionA: intersection
cartB: trolley (wózek, np. sklepowy)
trolleyA: cart (wózek, np. sklepowy)
parking lotB: car park
car parkA: parking lot
back upB: reverse
reverseA: back up
overpassB: flyover (wiadukt)
flyoverA: overpass (wiadukt)
deplaneAmerican: wyładowywać, wysiadać "The flight will... momentarily"
disembarkBritish, wyładowywać, wysiadać "Passengers will be ... shortly"
momentarilyA: za chwilę
shortlyB: za chwilę
coach classB: economy class (in a plane)
economy classA: coach class (in a plane)
carry-on baggageA: bagaż podręczny
hand baggegeB: bagaż podręczny
B:earth A: ground(BA) cable is...; cable that takes electricity safely into the ground
B: skip A: dumpster(BA) large metal container for putting rubbish in
B: tap A: faucet(BA) kran
B: cooker A: stove(BA) piece of kitchen equipment to cook food
B: frying pan A: skilletpatelnia
A patient presented this morning with an elevated temperarurepacjent miał dzisiaj wysoką temperaturę
exhibit a neck rashmieć wysypkę na szyi
complain ofnarzekać na
inability to concentrateproblem z koncentracją