wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 12
autor: tysiek
crisplyin a brisk and precise manner
to ward offto avoid/ to defend sb against sth
to tuckto put sth into sth in an untidy way
ventilatedfull of air, airy
to mope aboutto feel very unhappy and pity on oneself
to broodto ponder, to muse
to sulkto be unsociable and avoid conversation
to convertto exchange/ to change
effusivetoo emotional, exalted
elusivetending to escape/ difficult to understand or remember
evasiveavoiding giving a straight answer
helpinga portion of food
a lumpa hard thing that appears beneath skin
bruisean injury with purple mark on skin
rashsmall spots on one's body
to fall prey to sbto be exploited by dishonest people
to outstripto go faster than sb else
to throbto pulse
to exceedto go beyond certain limits
to expendto use up
seedyunwell/ shabby
dizzywhen world is turning around you
queasyfeeling sick
to scaldto burn one's skin by touching sth hot
a blistersth that appears on your skin when your shoes are too tight
to grazeto fall down and scratch skin
gasha long deep cut or wound
to excercise(ex. right) to use
in awe of sthamazed/ in fear of sth
to culminateto reach the highest point
to escalateto make sth even more serious
to redeemto compensate
to come outto appear above the ground
to come offto be unsuccessful/ to become detached
to overwhelmto surround/ to have many things to do
an awful lotvery many
to counterto oppose, to set sth against sth
to brush upto refresh
to mindto look after
choosycapricious, whimsical, not easily accepting things
cageysecretive/ careful, cautious
warycautious, mindful
to affirmto confirm
scratchythat scratches your skin
sloppygiven in haste, without thinking
to boil downto conclude
on a par with sthequal to sth
to take afterto resemble an older relative
to take into deceive
to take offto imitate
to take onto accept
to take overto take control of sth
to take outto obtain sth officially issued
to take toto like instinctively
to take upto adopt as a hobby/ to shorten/ to challenge
to make a mintto earn a lot of money