wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: tysiek
to surmiseto espouse/ to guess
rungone of the bars in a ladder
executionera public official whose job is to execute criminals
hecklersb who asks vexing questions
gauntnessan instance of being weak and very thin
strongholda place that has been fortified
hospicea hospital for dying people
mildewa kind of fungus that grows in wet conditions
dampnessan instance of being wet
cankera disease that destroys the wood of trees
fallownot used for growing crops so as to improve its fertility
crustyhaving a hard outer shell
incivilityimpoliteness, rudeness
enigmamystery, puzzle
defiantdisobedient, recalcitrant
compellingso interesting that you cannot put it down
flabbyself-loose / having soft, loose flesh
to hobbleto walk uneasy because of problems with legs
to ambleto ramble aimlessly
undemonstrativenot showing feelings openly
parsimoniousfrugal, economical
to hobnob with sbto mix socially
to kowtow to sbto show sb in authority too much respect and be too willing to obey
inadvertmentunintentional, not deliberate
gauchelacking social polish, rough
to waddleto walk like a duck