wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: tysiek
a tearawayan impetuous and irresponsible person
on tenterhooksbeing nervous about what is going to happen
strikeboundunable to function because of a strike
to rebutto prove sth wrong, to refute
roadworthysuitable to be driven (of cars)
a troubleshootera person that solves problems is called this
resplendentbrilliant, splendid
to be noncommital ?to keep silent and say nothing
to give sb the runaroundto treat sb in a deceitful, evasive manner (idiom)
to run on a shoestring budgetnot to have much money to spare (idiom)
to stranglehold ?to have firm control over sth (idiom)
thanklessnot likely to bring any reward
tempestuousstormy, turbulent, violently agitated
a turncoata traitor
peerlesssuperior to all others
?ridiculous, unwise
preparednessa state of being prepared
a scaremongera person who frightens people by spreading alarming news
a pitfalla trap, a snare
piecemealpiece by piece
potshota shot taken without certain aim
to pontificateto speak as if you were the only one who has the right opinion
tailbackaccumulation of traffic
telltalesb who reveals another's secret
restiverestless, uneasy
nonplussedconfused, puzzled
a namesakea person with the same name
to offload sth onto sbto get rid of sth unpleasant by passing it to sb else
nondescriptwithout distinctive characters
backlogaccumulation of sth not yet attended
unimpeachablethat cannot be questioned, honest
to gushto flow out rapidly and in great quantities
to counterto oppose
to rumbleto reveal
momentousvery serious, important
sprylively and active
to be at pains to do sthto make great effort to accomplish sth
unequivocalclear, having one possible meaning
to acquitto free sb of guilt at court
to spurnto refuse with contempt
overtures of sthfriendly proposals/ approaches
lithebending easy, flexible, supple
to groundto have basis in
punctiliousvery attentive to details (of behaviour)
to scud awayto move straight, fast and smoothly
to be befuddledto be confused, to be made look stupid
to swatto hit with a flat object
to slideto move smoothly over some surface
vapiddull, uninteresting
to incurto bring sth unpleasant upon oneself, to cause oneself to suffer
to brave sthto endure sth, to survive
soppymaudlin, foolishly sentimental
to throw caution to the windto stop being cautious (idiom)
a no-noa suggestion/proposal that cannot be accepted
travailpainful effort
piddlingtrivial, unimportant, small
defunctno longer in use, no longer effective
to give sb the cold shoulderto ignore, to shun sb (idiom)
to bite off more than one could chewto try to do too much or sth that is too difficult
tooth and nailfiercely (idiom)
to face the musicto face deserved punishment (idiom)
to put one's heart and soul into sthto be devoted to sth (idiom)
to renounceto give up/ to relinquish
a snarea trap
to pesterto nag
a scamdishonest scheme is called this
flabbergastedgreatly surprised
in cloverliving a luxurious and comfortable life
unflappableremaining calm in crisis
to be at variance with sbto disagree (idiom)
watertightimpossible to disprove
a walkoveran easy victory
a walkabouta stroll among a crowd
a watchworda slogan or a catch-phrase
yardsticka standard measurement
verbosityan instance of using too many words
wherewithalmoney/resources needed to do sth
unsightlyunpleasant to look at
weather-beatenexposed to harsh weather conditions
yesteryearin past years
upmarketmeant for the rich, the highest class of society
wisecrackssmall, clever, unkind remarks
to undercutto make prices lower than one's competitors