wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
not to be a patch onnie umywać się do...
to be at odds withto be different/ not to agree with one another about sth
By far and away the most experiencedused with superlative - most experienced
to be every bit/just as demanding asto be equally demanding
to be identical toto be exactly the same as
to be in a league of one's ownto be much better than the other people who share the same activity
to be much the same asthere is not much difference between
to be on a different wavelengthto have very different ideas and attitudes
to be streets ahead of/to be head and shoulders aboveto be much better than
to be (totally, quite) unliketo be different from
to bear a striking resemblance toto be very similar in appearance or character
to bear little/ no resemblance toOPPOSITE of: to bear a striking resemblance to
to have nothing in common withnie mieć nic wspólnego z
to pale in comparison to sthto nic w porównaniu (problemy)
to tell apartto recognise differences between
there is a world of difference betweenthere is a very big defference between
to think/say/do otherwiseto say/think/do sth different from what has already been mentioned
to vary in...to be different from each other in terms of..
to see doubleto see two when thee is only one of sth
sth has increased fourfold/eightfoldcoś wzrosło czterokrotnie/ośmiokrotnie
never in a million years(+ inversion) nigdy, przenigdy
to be second to nonenie mieć sobie równych
to be back to square oneto return to the very beginning because no progress has been made
to have second thoughtsto change your mind
to be having second thoughtsto be having doubts about a decision
to flee somewhere in their thousandsmasowo uciekać
to stand on your own two feetto stop depending on others because you are old enough to do things for yourself
axeto make sb redundant from their job/ to get rid of a plan, system or service
have an axe to grindhave private reason for doing sth/being involved in/ being unhappy about
sth rings a bellsth sounds familiar
to be in the same boatto have the same problems
in my bookin my opinion
if sb plays their cards rightif sb is clever and uses the right tactics
to chair a meetingto be in charge of a meeting
on your doorstepvery near where you live or where you are standing
frame of mindhow you feel, the mood you are in
to hammer out an agreementto reach an agreement after long and difficult negotiations
to hinge onto depend on
to iron out problemsto solve and get rid of small problems
sth is a different kettle of fishsth is very different from te thing that has previously been mentioned
to have hit the nail on the headtrafić w sedno
you could hear a pin dropit was so quiet...
to have got a lot on your plateto have a lot of problems to worry about/ to be very busy
to pull stringspociągać za sznurki; to use influence, connections
it's like talking to a brick walljakbyś mówił do ściany
a good/fair fewquite a large number (_ _ _), informal, countable
a good/fair numberquite a large number (_ _ _ _ _ _), informal, countable
a substantial/significant numberquite a large number, formal, countale
a substantial/significant quantityquite a large amount, formal, countable and uncountable
a substantial/significant amountquite a large amount, formal, uncountable
the sheer quantitythe surprisingly large amount
finite numberlimited number
good sizequite large
unbounded enthusiasmbezgraniczny entuzjazm
infinite patiencenieograniczona cierpliwość
endless supplynieskończony zapas
astronomical feesvery high fees
bumper cropvery large crop
epic proportionsepicki odsetek
massive overdosewielokrotne przedawkowanie
overwhelming majorityprzeważająca większość
inordinate amountnadmierna, wielka ilość
sheer sizezaskakująco duży rozmiar
wide rangeszeroki wachlarz (np. słownictwa)
wide variety/choiceduża różnorodność/wybór
an unknown quantitya person or thing whose characteristics are not yet clear
packsfora, wataha (dogs, hounds, wolves)
herdstado (cattle, elephants, large herbivorous animals)
swarmrój (bees, locusts, other flying insects)
flockstado (birds, sheep)
pride of lionsstado lwów
shoal of fish/sardinesławica ryb/sardynek/...każdych małych ryb
school/podstado (dolphins, whales)
tribeplemię, stado (monkeys, baboons)
flurry of activity/interest/excitement/speculation/snownagłe ożywienie/zainteresowanie/podekscytowanie/spekulacje/śnieg
flicker of emotion/hope/interestcień emocji/nadziei/zainteresowania
glimmer of hope/interest/light/understandingiskierka nadziei/zainteresowania/światła/zrozumienia
touch of sadness/humour/ironynutka smutku/humoru/ironii
touch of classsophistication
whole gamut of emotions (colours, musical notes)cała gama emocji (kolorów, nut)
stroke of genius/luckprzebłysk geniuszu/uśmiech losu
not do a stroke of worknawet nie kiwnąć palcem
hunk- of bread, cheese, meat; thick slice
cloveząbek (garlic)
served on a bed of riceserwowane na ryżu
knob/lump of buttergrudka masła
dollop of creamporcyjka śmietany (of jam or cream)
drop of brandykropla brandy/koniaku
dash of creamsmall amount od cream (small amount of liquid)
sprinkling of cinnamonsmall amount of herb or spice
fundamentally similarzasadniczo podobne
bear little resemblance to each otherdon't look at all alike
entirely differentzupełnie inny
in marked contrast towyraźnie kontrastuje z..
wide variationduża różnica
a world of differenceogromna różnica
clear distinctionczyste, klarowne rozróżnienie
yawning gapan enormous difference
differ widelybardzo się różnić
exact oppositedokładne przeciwieństwo
polar oppositesextreme opposites
the advantages outweigh (the) disadvantagesthe advantages are strongesr than the disadvantages
the other side of the argumentdruga strona medalu
strikingly differentuderzająco, zupełnie inny
fundamentally differentzasadniczo inny
it doesn't bear comparison with...it can't be compared with...
sth compares very favourably with sthcoś wypada lepiej w porównaniu do czegoś
draw a comparison betweendokonać porównania pomiędzy
strike the balance betweento find a satisfactory compromise between two extremes
bridge the gapwypełnić lukę
subtle distinctionsubtle difference
growing disparityincreasing difference