wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: maniek
all-roundersb who is good at everything
bystandersb standing near sth (generally an accident or a crime) when it happens
daredevilsb who gets a thrill out of taking unnecessary risks
gatecrashersb who goes to a party that he/she has not been invited to
has-beensb who is no longer famous or important
minorsb who is under the age of full legal responsibility
name-droppersb who likes mentioning the names of famous people they know (or pretend they know) to impress other
opportunistsb who takes advantage of any situation, in any way, to get on
smart alecsb who always knows the right answer/annoying/mądrala
snoba middle or upper class person who thinks they are better than ppl from lower class
spoilsportsb who ruins the fun and enjoyment of others
squattersb who lives in an empty building without permission and without paying rent
tomboya young girl who enjoys doing the same things and playing the same games as boys
troublemakersb who causes trouble
wimpa weak and pathetic person
yuppya young professional person who earns a lot of money
bluntadj sb who says exactly what he/she thinks even if it upsets or offends other people
conceitedfar too proud of one's achievements/ zarozumiały
craftygood at getting what one wants by means of clever planning or deceiving others
easy-goingadj. sb who is not easily annoyed, worried or upset
highly-strungvery nervous, easily getting upset or angry
modestadj. sb who doesn't like talking about their abilities/achievements
outgoingadj. sb who likes to meet and talk to new people
reservedadj. sb who doesn't show their feelings or share their opinions with others
ruthlessbezlitosny, bezwzględny
senserozsądek, sens
sensitivewrażliwy, easily offended
spitefulzłośliwy, dokuczliwy
spitezłośliwość, dokuczliwość
sympatheticpełen współczucia, rozumiejący
sympathywspółczucie, zrozumienie
tactfulcareful not to offend or upset sb else
vainhaving extreme pride in one's own beauty, intelligence
close friendsbliscy przyjaciele
lifelong friendsprzyjaźnie na całe życie
childhood friendsprzyjaciele z dzieciństwa
friend for lifeprzyjaciel na całe życie
circle of friendsotoczenie przyjaciół
long-term relationshipdługotrwała relacja: usually referring to romantic rel.
platonic relationshiprelationship which is not romantic or sexual
social networkkontakty towarzyskie
firm friendsstali przyjaciele
casual acquaintancepowierzchowne znajomości
cordial relationrelation which is friendly, but formal and polite
remain on friendly termspozostać w przyjaźni
complete strangertotalny nieznajomy
close confidanta person you trust and share your feelings and secrets with
put some distancestworzyć trochę dystansu
win someone's trustzasłużyć na czyjeś zaufanie
abuse trustnadużyć zaufania
make the relationship worknaprawić relację
take the wrong wayźle, opacznie coś zrozumieć
relationship breaks downrelacja się rozpada
heart-to-heart chatrozmowa od serca
heal the riftend a serious disagreement between friends
forge relationshipsform or create relationships
stand the test of timeprzetrwać próbę czasu
stable relationshipstabilna relacja
on bad termsw złych stosunkach
spring to someone's defencestanąć w czyjejś obronie
come under attackbyć atakownaym
providing moral supportshowing that you approve of someone and what they are doing
make friendsnot: get or find friends!
bone idleinfml. extremely lazy
have an attitude problemhave a negative, uncooperative attitude
slippery customerinfml. someone who cannot be trusted
mindless violencebezmyślna przemoc
pick a fightprovoke a fight
have no respect fornie mieć szacunku do
hold sb in contemptdespise sb, gardzić kimś
take the flakzbierać krytykę
disruptive influencesb who encourages others to behave in a negative way
poison the atmosphereniszczyć atmosferę
the blame rests with...it is the fault of...
fairlyuczciwie (_ a _ _ _ _)
squarelyuczciwie (_ _ u _ _ _ _ _)
shirk one's responsibilitieswykręcać się od obowiązków
stoop to that leveluciekać się do czegoś / do sth as bad as that
dirty trick to playświństwo, chwyt poniżej pasa
nasty piece of workwstrętny typ
totally out of ordervery inappropriate
downright disgracecałkowita hańba
I wouldn't trust sb an inch!Nie ufałbym komuś za grosz!
betray one's trustzdradzić, zniszczyć czyjeś zaufanie
belittle one's achievementsumniejszać czyjeś osiągnięcia
sth clouds your judgementcoś zaciemnia twoją ocenę
minor nigglessmall complaints
glaring errorobvious mistake
constant naggingciągłe zrzędzenie
deep dissatisfactionnot: strong dissatisfaction
love at first sightmiłość od pierwszego wejrzenia
fall head over heels on lovezakochać się po uszy
I only have my eyes to XI am only attracted to X
infatuated withromantically obsessed with
besotted withalmost stupidly or blindly in love with
hit it offlike each other the moment you meet
soulmatesppl who feel close to each other in spirit and who understand each other deeply
lifelong companionfriend who is with you all your life
man/woman after my own heartman/woman you admire because they do or think the same as you
get on like a house on firez miejsca się zaprzyjaźnić
bosom friends/buddies/palsvery close, good friends
inseparablepapużki nierozłączki
close bondsilna więź
kindred spiritsbratnie dusze
well-matched coupledobrana para
family tieswięzi rodzinne
affectionateserdeczny, kochający, przywiązany
affectionsympatia, uczucie
amiableżyczliwy, uprzejmy
consideratetaktowny, liczący się z innymi (_ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
considerationnamysł, rozwaga
fondczuły, miły (_ _ n _)
fondnessuczucie sympatii (_ _ n _ _ _ _ _)
respectfulpełen szacunku
supportiveoddany, wspomagający
trustworthygodny zaufania
colleaguekolega z pracy
behind our backsza plecami (przen.)
talk behind our backssay bad things about us when we are not there
disloyal tonielojalny wobec
unsupportivenie wspierający
critical ofkrytykujący coś
honestszczery (_ o _ _ _ _)
dishonest withnieszczery z
truthful prawdomówny
untruthfulnie mówiący prady
alliescountries which fight on the same side
business partnerspartnerzy biznesowi
bitter rivalspeople in competition with each other in an aggresive, negative way
scrupulously honestszczery do bólu
complete and unswerving loyaltycałkowita i niesłabnąca lojalność
staunchest allynajwierniejszy sprzymierzeniec
deeply criticalmocno/dogłębnie krytyczny
break downrozpaść się (relacja)
genuine misunderstandingprawdziwe niezrozumienie
riftserious disagreement that divides people
discorddisagreement and discontent
don't see eye to eyehave different opinions
turn sourbecome bad
split upseparate
it had its ups and downsit had good and bad moments
bumpy relationshiprelationship which is 'up and down like a car on a road'
broken homefamily split by divorce
family feudquarrel in family cousing bad feeling for many years
welcomingserdeczny (_ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _)
warm-heartedserdeczny (_ a _ _ - _ e _ _ _ _ _)
heartlessokrytny (_ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _)
cold-heartedzimny, nieczuły
die of a broken heartto die because of sadness resulting from love affair
hate someone's gutsto hate sb very much
have it in for someoneuwziąść się na kogoś
be on bad terms with sbto have a bad relationship with sb