wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autorzy: agn231, ...
stout - heartedbrave, resolute
tight - fistedmean, not generous
open - handedgenerous
hard - headedbusinesslike, unemotional
big - headedconceited, self - important
weak - kneedcowardly, nervous
light - fingereddishonest, liable to steal
tight - lippedsilent, unwilling to speak
two - facedhypocritical
starry - eyedover - romantic
thick - skinnedinsensitive to criticism
pluck your eyebrowswyskubać sobie brwi
sb's heart is poundingkomuś łomocze serce
sb's stomach is rumblingkomuś burczy w brzuchu
shake your headpokręcić głową
shrug your shoulderswzruszyć ramionami
sprain sthskręcić coś
stub your toeto hit your toe against sth
curl upzwinąć się w kłębek
duckuchylić się
fidgetwiercić się
flinchwzdrygać się
frownmarszczyć brwi
nodkiwnąć głową
nudgeszturchnąć kogoś - to attract their attention
shiverdrżeć, mieć dreszcze (zimno)
shudderzadrżeć - cause you have seen, heard, or tasted sth unpleasant
trembledrżeć (strach)
bloodcurdlingmrożący krew w żyłach
eye - catchingprzyciągający uwagę
first - handz pierwszej ręki
hair - raisingvery frightening; used to describe experiences and journeys
head-onczołowy (zderzenie czołowe)
light-heartedradosny, niefrasobliwy, żartobliwy
mouth-wateringfood that looks and/or smells very good
nail-bitingtrzymający w napięciu
narrow-mindedograniczony, o wąskich horyzontach
broad-mindedopposite of narrow-minded
well-thumbedmocno sfatygowany (książka)
not to bat an eyelidnot to show any visible signs of surprise
clear your throatodchrząknąć
clench your fist/teethzacisnąć pięści/zęby ze złości
cross your legswhile sitting, to put one leg on top of the other
flex your musclesto strike a pose and show your muscles / napiąć mięśnie
fold your armsskrzyżować ręce
grit/clench your teethzacisnąć zęby - złość
pain in the necka very annoying person, thing or task
at the foot ofat the bottom of (a hill, a tree, a bed...)
cost an arm and a legto be very expensive
cry your eyes outto cry a lot
face a teamto play against another team
fall head over heels in love with sbzakochać się w kimś po uczy
foot the billzapłacić rachunek (zwłaszcza kiedy ktoś inny miał to zrobić)
get cold feetto suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do sth important
get sth off your chestto tell sb sth that has been worrying you
get up sb's noseto annoy sb
give sb a hand with sthto help sb do sth
to be glad to see the back of sb/sthto be happy when sb leaves or sth is finished
have sth on the brainto be obsessed by sth and think about it all the time
have your eye on sthto have seen sth that you want to buy/have
have/give sb a head startto have/give sb advantage over a competitor (business/life)
head hometo leave somewhere in order to go home
I can't put my finger onto know that sth is wrong or different, but be unable to say exactly what it is
I couldn't keep straight faceI couldn't stop laughing
I don't know off-handinfml I can't tell/answer until I have checked first
I'd give my right arm toI would really like to
in the eyes of the lawlegally according to the laws of the land
keep an eye on sth/sbto look after sth/sb
know somewhere like the back of your handto know a particular place very well
learn to stand on one's own two feetto learn not to depend on others
make/lose money hand over fistto rapidly make/lose large sum of money
off the top of one's headinfo given immediately, without full knowledge of the facts
sth is on its last legssth is in very bad condition and will soon stop working
pull sb's legto play a joke on sb and make them believe sth that is not true
put your foot downto become strict and tell sb they must/can't do sth
set eyes on sbto see sb, often for the first time
set your heart on sthto really want sth
sth happens right under sb's nosesb is very close to sth when it happens and yet they do not notice it
stick your nose into other people's business/affairsto interfere in a situation which does not concern you - result: problems
think on your feetto be able to give good answers to unexpected questions
with an eye toin order to (+ N or -ing)
It's witten all over your faceto show (by the expression of your face) how you really feel
you have to hand it to sbyou have to admire and respect sb (for sth they have done)
blushrumienić się
frownmarszczyć brwi
grinuśmiechnąć się, szczerzyć zęby
grit your teethto put your teeth together, especially because sth is hurting you
scowlto have an angry or hostile expression when you disapprove of sth
sneeruśmiechać się szyderczo
winceto grimace when sth is hurting you or when you are remembering sth embarrassing
winkmrugnąć, puścić oko
keep/have an/your ear to the groundto be attentive of what is happening or is about to happen
lie through your teethkłamać w żywe oczy
lose faceto lose the respect of other people
play it by earto decide what to do according to how a situation develops
do sth by the skin of your teethto only just manage to do sth
see eye to eye on sthto agree about sth
turn a blind eye to sthto deliberately ignore sth
turn your nose up at sthto think sth is not good enough for you
not to be able to get one's tongue roundto find a word or phrase very difficult to pronounce
sth catches your eyeyou notice sth because it is particularly attractive, unusual or interesting
I'm all earsI can't wait to hear
my lips are sealedinfml. I won't tell anyone
I'll never be able to show my face in there/here againI feel to embarassed to go to a particular place
it's on the tip of my tonguemam coś na końcu języka
boundless energylots of energy
boost one's confidencemake sb more confident
bubbly personalitylively personality
bear a striking resemblance to...look very like ...
thinly disguised dislikebarely hidden dislike
stubborn streaka stubborn side to one's character
gruff exteriorrude and unfriendly exterior
have a sharp witto be very amusing in a clever way
pent-up angeranger which is not expressed
forthright mannerdirect manner
look one's agelook as old as one is
act one's agebehave in a manner expected of one's age
blank expressionexpression showing no understanding or emotion
cool receptionunfriendly welcome
abrasive mannerrude and unfriendly manner
dazzling smileolśniewający uśmiech
have wonderful personal qualitiesmieć wspaniałe cechy osobowości
troubled relationshipburzliwa relacja
one's strong pointczyjaś mocna strona
downright rudewręcz/kategorycznie nieuprzejmy
harshsurowy, ostry
open hostilityotwarta wrogość
display scary characteristicsprzejawiać przerażające cechy
burst with energytryskać energią
warm, friendly smileciepły, przyjacielski uśmiech
unacceptable behaviourniedopuszczalne zachowanie
perfectly friendlyabsolutnie przyjacielski
glossybłyszczący, lśniący
glossy magazinea well produced magazine printed on shiny paper with lots of colourful pictures
greasytłusty, przetłuszczający się
lacklustrenijaki, bez wyrazu (włosy)
lacklustre performancea poor quality and unenthusiastic performance
lankthin, straight and unattractive hair
permedhair that has been made curly by means of chemical treatment
tangledhair; very untidy and, because it has not been combed, full of knots
unkemptzaniedbane, rozczochrane włosy
chubbyfat - in a pleasant, healthy way (often used for children)
flabbyhaving loose fat where there should be muscle
plumppleasantly fat - instead of "fat"
tubbyshort and a little fat (often with a large stomach)
bonyvery thin, so that all you can see is flesh covered bone
frailthin and very weak
lankyunattractively tall and thin
tall and lankyPHRASE: unattractively tall and thin
punyweak, thin, without muscles
scrawnyunattractively thin and weak looking
skinnyvery thin
burlystrong and heavy (a whole body)
stockyshort, heavy and strong
strappingbif, tall and strong
head for the stationiść, ruszać w stronę stacji
shoulderwziąć na swoje barki
elbow one's way through a crowd"rozepchnąć" się w tłumie
fingerłapać na stopa
well-thumbedmocno sfatygowany (książka)
foot the billzapłacić rachunek
mouthpowiedzieć bezgłośnie
shin up...wdrapywać się gdzieś
headprzewodniczyć czemuś