wordki.pl - nauka słówek
czerwiec 1
autor: tysiek
to size upto assess the quantity of sth/ to assess whether it's of interest to you or not
sightingan instance of seeing/being seen
to stultifyto cause to be ineffective/ to negate
to wallowto roll over/ to indulge oneself with sth
lassitudetiredness of mind or body
ponderousslow and awkward due to great weight/ without vigor, inspiration, dull
to ebbto go out, to recede
the ebb and flowconstant fluctuation
on the ebbdiminishing, declining
sinisterimplying wicked forces
undercurrentunderlying tendence or trend
to tarnishto say things that harm sb/sb's reputation
to taintto provide a small dose of sth
to subordinateto follow certain rules/ to let oneself be controlled by sb
flagrantbad, obvious, scandalous
vaingloriousfull of vanity
ignoblewicked, dishonorable
pugnaciousinclined to fight, agressive
intermittentlynot constantly
perfunctorydone as a routine
to exacerbateto make even worse
a coteriepeople who share beliefs or interests
to concur withto agree with
to deviate fromto stray
to anticipateto expect
lenientmerciful, not severe
ambivalentnot showing any emotions
opaque withnot transparent/ difficult to understand
to perchto sit on the edge of sth
a respite from sthinterval of rest or relief
vathuge container
to pluckto pull out hair
bedraggledwet and dirty/ extremely exhausted
to recuperateto get well after an illness
whiskerhair near the cat's mouth
immutablethat cannot be changed
somersaulta movement in which sb turns over completely
to yank sb out of sthto pull sth with a sudden movement
to precipitateto cause sth to happen earlier
tired to the boneextremely tired
to go underto sink/ to be about to fail completely