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autor: jonakin
– forests become king’s property; william the conq.Forest laws
absolute centralization of king’s power; william the conquerorOath of Salisbury
the huge survey about property and population; william the conquerorDomesday Book
Henry I; protecting invidua rights – 1100Charter of Liberties
Stephen I; 1138War with MAtilda
royal government; judical court, legislative body : HICuria regis
money in lieu of military service; Henry IIscutage
institution of charging jury; Henry IIassize of Clarendon
1166, clerks punished at royal courts; Henry IIconstitutions of Clarendon
XII cent. Henry IIOxford is founded
XIII cent. John ICambridge is founded
Richard I: 1189-99Robin hood is supposed to have been active
Richard IThird Crusade, taking Acre
Richard Ilegend of Blondel
an extensive taxation over all classes; John I(1199-1216)GREEDY
1204, John Iloss of Normandy
against: recapturing Norm. : new war = taxes 15-17First Baron's war
1215- limit of J's power, liberties:church,barons JUSTICE, !TRIAL!Magna Carta
1217(barons and FR. stopped) Henry IIIFair of Lincoln
1258-56 Henry III, Simon de Monfort, (for. adv.; Sic; control of treasury, war taxation);Second Baron's War
1216-72reign of HIII
1st in ENGLISH, barons to counsel King; after 2nd barons warProvisions of Oxford- after what event?
Edward I (1272-1307)Longshanks, Hammer of Scots, English Justinian
Edward Ifoundation of the parliamentary system,
1290- EdIexpulsion of Jews
EdI, 1292, common law introducedyearbooks
representation of all classes, approval of taxation, EdImodel parliament
Edward ILLewelyn's revolt
Edward II ( Edward I's reign(First prince of Wales
1297- Battle of Stirling Bridge; Ed IRessistance of William Wallace
1298- Battle of Falkirk; 1305(ex); Ed IWilliam Wallace defeated
1306- Ed IRobert the Bruce - king of Scot.
1314-glorious victory of Scots; Ed IIThe Battle of Bannockburn
1320-Ed II scotish Barons asked the Pope to recognize Scotland indep. <y>Declaration of Arbroath
Ed III, 100y, 1340, victory of british navy:) (over FR)Battle of sluys
Ed III, 1346, 100y, victory of longbows- british (over Fr)Battle of Crecy
EdIII, 1347, 100yCalais falls
EdIII, 1348, 100y, 1/3 of population diesBlack Death
EdIII-->1356(led by) Black Prince,/ french king capturedBattle of Poiters
Ed III- Southern-west of Fr for the claim (1360)Treaty of Bretigny
Rich II, 100y Calais and Gascony remain EnglishTreaty of Paris
Rich II, 100y, Wat Tyler(m), John Ball(i); serfdom, markets, state of labourersGreat Peasant's revolt
Rich II, 100y, John Wycliffe, bible(en)- base of faith; 1382Lollards
Ed IV, Bolingbroke; 1399Richard II thrown into tower, forced to abdicate
Ed Iv, Bolingbroke, 1399 after beheading Rich IINew Dynasty, Lancasters
uprising in Wales, 1415-20, Henry IV's reignOwen Glendower
1028-9 Siege of Orlean, Joan d' Arc,turning point in 100y
Battle of Agincourt, 1415, Henry Vthe greatest military Victory
Henry VI, imbecile, 1453lose of French possessions/ {Calais}