wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long roczny 1
autor: tysiek
to disparageto belittle, to criticise unfairly
travestyan absurd imitation of sth
smugconceited, too proud
make-upa person's character trairt
meektoo obedient, submissive, humble
bashfultoo timid, shy
to emasculateto weaken sb of his strength or force
to have a lot gingerto be a person that has energy and is high-spiritous
echelonrank, stratum in society
to make the hoi polloi laughto tell jokes that the masses, ordinary people enjoy
commonplacehappening generally, prevalent
ludicrousabsurd, ridiculous
dejecteddepressed, sad
intricatecunning, complex, difficult to follow
tritecommonplace, hackneyed
pivotalof great importance, central, essential
garishbrightly coloured
specioussounding true, but actually wrong
accoladepraise, approval
charitablegiving money
vindicatedcleared of blame, suspicion
patentlyobviously, unmistakenly
peevishirritable, easily annoyed
to endorseto espouse, to support
anomalousdifferent from normal
auspiciousfavorable, likely to succeed
urbanewell-mannered, refined
prudentwise, shrewd
convivaltruthful, sociable
imperiousproud and arrogant
heinousvery wicked
venialnot serious, excusable
to assailto attack
scantysmall in size and amount
furtivesecret, sly
crypticarcane, mysterious
vigilantwatchful, alert
benignkind, mild, gentle
superficialshowing outward appearance
overtnot secret or hidden; obvious
erraticunstable, showing jerky movements
imminentthat cannot be avoided
to avertto prevent
untenablethat cannot be defended
to admonishto scold, to urge, to warn
overratednot deserves so much praise
copiousplentiful, abundant
to wiltto droop, to wither