wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long roczny - zestaw lutowy
autor: tysiek
to milk sb out of sthto extract money dishonestly
to rock the boatto do sth that upsets the balance of sth
to swim against the tidenot to accept sb's behaviour or opinion
to lionize sbto treat sb as a celebrity
a load of old cobblesnonsense, rubbish
felicitouswell-chosen (of words)
to fly off the handleto lose one's temper
to be on the blinkto show signs of breaking down
to hold the fortto take over sb's duties when he's away
to go west (of hopes)to fail, to deteriorate
to come unstruckto fail
spend-thriftsb who squanders money easily
conversant withhaving knowledge of, familiar with
to cuddleto hold sb lovingly in one's arms
to commenceto start
to heaveto lift sth heavy
to thwartto prevent, to frustrate
to get one's dander upto annoy, to irritate
to come out of one's shellto stop being shy, to socialise
to give the slipto escape
to pull a few stringsto use one's contacts
to hit the sackto fall asleep
to cut sb to the quickto deeply hurt sb's feelings
golden handshakemoney/gift given to sb who retires
to get one's foot in the doorto have a first introduction to a profession
to be in a quandaryto be confused, undecided
blithehappy, carefree
to keep sb at baynot to allow sb to come closer
to put sb in the pictureto cause sb to be full informed
to play second fiddleto be less important than sb else
to wait in the wingsto be ready to do sth and to wait
puntersb who is easily deceived
unabashednot worried about possible criticism
overbearingbossy, domineering
to hide skeletonsto have some secrets
wranglea noisy argument
to stallto delay, to avoid giving a definite answer
just the jobthe exact thing needed
to facilitateto make sth easier
by all accountsall people say so
to relinquishto renounce, to give up, to abandon
to vacillateto sway, to keep changing your opinion
to defuseto reduce the tension
demisedeath/ complete failure
to crack down onto try to control sth undesirable
fraught withfull of
to gloss overto treat sth briefly
secludedfar away from commotion