wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long roczny - zestaw lutowy2
autor: tysiek
to inculcateto fix sth deeply, to ground
to play one's souls hearts outto try really hard
severance paymoney given to the fired employee
intrepidbrave, dauntless
to put one's foot downto disagree, to oppose
to be taken for a rideto be deceived
superfluousmore than is needed
enamoredattracted, bewildered, bewitched
to have barring on sthto have influence on sth
to reel against sthto move unsteadily
skittishfond of flirting/ difficult to control
somberdark-coloured/ dull
to pick the tab forto pay for
to tauntto try to provoke sb by critical remarks
to foilto thwart, to prevent sb from carrying sth out
vestigea small, remaining part of sth that once existed
congenitalpresent from birth
asinineextremely foolish
to begetto be the cause/father of sth
solicitousvery concerned, anxious
to waiveto disregard
mind-blowingcausing mental excitement
landmark studystudy that marks a very important stage in development of sth
morosevery unhappy & bad-tempered
hereinin this document/text
respectivelyin the order mentioned
missivea long, official letter
to intimidateto frighten, to make sb shy
to flauntto sport, to show off
loftytoo proud of oneself, exalted
to laudto praise, to glorify
to root for sb/sthto cheer for sb, to be happy with sb
to elucidateto explain, to add sth to make it clear
noxiousharmful, detrimental
arresting smileattracting attention
dismayconfusion, disappointment
adventarrival, approach of sth important
wheezea good idea/ a joke
flippantnot showing sufficient respect or seriousness
gaitway of walking/running
contentiouslikely to disagree
to graceto decorate, to do up