wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long roczny - zestaw majowy
autor: tysiek
upshotfinal result, an outcome
to spurnto refuse scornfully
to gushto flow out in great quantities
punctiliousvery attentive to details
overturesfriendly approaches, proposals
foray into stha sudden attack meant to obtain sth
to remonstrateto protest, to complain
to searto burn on surface/ to affect sb's emotions
cornucopiaan abundant source of information
blatantshameless, obvious
close at handvery near
to juxtaposeto place things next to each other in order to compare them
monstrositysth large and ugly
imperturbablecalm, not easily worried
to espouseto give one's support to a theory
to proclaimto make sth known officially, to promulgate
piddlingtrivial, small
travailpainful effort, labour
defunctno longer in use, no longer effective
to throw caution to the windto stop being cautious
to be at variance with sbto disagree
walkoveran easy victory
wherewithalmoney, resources to do sth
yesteryearbelonging to the past
to epitomiseto be the perfect example
to underpinto form the basis of sth
succourhelp/support given to sb in danger
not to be a patch on sbnot to be nearly as good as sb
assidesincidental, critical remarks
versimilitudeappearance of being true or real
to bite off more than one could chewto try to do sth that is too difficult
to be at the receiving endto be ready to accept criticism/punishment
to proscribeto state officially that sth is forbidden
vehicle for stha means of expressing sth
affablepolite and friendly
duplicitydeliberate deception
impecunioushaving no or little money
to beat around the bushto avoid getting to the point
mendaciousuntruthful, lying
industrioushard-working, diligent
contriteshowing regret, repentant
decrepitmade weak by age or hard use
languidslow-moving, languish, lazy
to bend over backwards to do sthto make great effort in order to please sb
to get wind of sthto hear a rumour about sth
to coop sb upto restrict sb's freedom by keeping him inside
to emulateto try to do sth equally good as sb else
effusivetoo emotional
to fall by the waysideto fail to make progress