wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long roczny - zestaw majowy2
autor: tysiek
unequivocalclear, having one possible meaning
momentousvery important and serious
sprylively, active
rowdynoisly and disorderly
innuendoan indirect reference discreditible about sth
to humpto carry sth on one's back
inopportunenot at the right moment
hand-pickedcarefully chosen (of words)
abodeone's place of living
vapiddull, uninteresting
hereafterfrom now on
soppymaudlin, foolishly sentimental
walkabouta stroll among a crowd
yardsticka point of reference in measurements
to festoonto adorn, to decorate
inscrutablemysterious, difficult to understand
to contriveto plan sth carefully, often deceitfully
to severto cut
timorousshy, terrified
laudatoryexpressing praise
fortuitoushappening by chance or coincidence
beggarlymiserable, wretched
moonlightersb who works at night/ sb who takes extra work after regular hours
rusea trick used to deceive sb
to rattleto make sb alarmed
surfeit of stha superfluous amount of sth
tenuoustiny, not important
fallowa part of field not used to grow any plants
impromptudone without earlier preparation
felonsb who commits a serious crime
to hobnob with sbto socialise with those of higher social status
versatiledoing many things equally well
hecklersb who keeps asking annoying questions
foolhardyfoolishly bold, reckless
to hobbleto walk with difficulty because of some problems with your leg
off-kilterthat doesn't work properly
senileof old people
to swatto hit with a flat object
to denigrateto belittle
regimensa set of rules to follow
daintysmall and pretty
seminalstrongly influencing further development
to chastiseto punish severely by beating
callowinexperienced, immature
solventcapable of meeting financial obligations
disconsolateunhappy because of a loss
to kowtow to sbto act in an excessively subservient manner
lugubrioussounding sad/ dismal, mournful
to conniveto allow a wrong action