wordki.pl - nauka słówek
biznes 3
autor: agn231
turn your hand to sth2
sacrifice the early buds1
make a point of doing sth/ make it a point to do sthto be very careful to do sth cause you believe it's important; often: when you want others to see it
make the most of sthto use an opportunity or situation so that you get the maximum possible benefit you can from it
make a habit of doing sthto keep doing sth bad or wrong
every effort has been made to...sb has/have done their very best to...
make an effort (to do sth)to try hard to do sth
make do with sthsatisfy yourself with what you have, as opposed to what you want
make no attempt to do sthnot to try to do sth
do one's utmost (to do sth)to try as hard as one can to achieve sth
that should/will do the trickinfml that should/will solve a small problem that we have
do a roaring trade in sthto sell lots of sth
do some revisionto look at and study your books and notes before you take an exam
do sb a power of goodto be beneficial to sb
sth does more harm than goodsth causes more problems than it solves
do likewiseto do the same
do your besttry as hard as you can to do/achieve sth
do away with sthget rid of sth (rula/law/tax/institution) so that it no longer exists
to be valued atto be said to be worth
to be up to one's ears in debtto owe a lot of money
tax on sthmoney you have to pay to the government for provision of public services
to be strapped for cash/hard up/short of moneyto have very little money
sell sth at a profitsell sth at a higher price than you bought it
run up a billto owe money, acquire debts (either by buying a lot of things or borrowing money)
retail at/forto be on sale in a shop for (X$)
dramatic/marked reductiona big reduction
steady/gradual reductiona slow but continual reduction
reduction indecrease in (eg the number/cost/amount/price of sth)
put down a deposit on sthto pay part of the price of a product in order to reserve it
pay cashto use cash in order to pay
pay by credit cardto use a credit card in order to pay
pay by chequeto use a cheque in order to pay
on the marketavailable to buy/ on sale
be on a slary ofearn...
make out a chequewrite sb's name on the cheque
make the cheque payable toto put sb's name on the cheque so that they receive the money
lendto give sb money for a period of time, after which they have to pay it back
knock an amount of money off (the price of) sthto reduce the price of sth
in the region/neighbourhood ofapproximately
in a saleon special offer