wordki.pl - nauka słówek
household ważne
autor: maniek
squatan empty building where people start living without the owner's permission
hovela very poor, dirty house or flat in a bad condition
pied a terredrugie mieszkanie w centrum
penthousea luxury flat at the top of a building
council housinghouses provided by the state for ppl who can't afford to buy their own houses
high-rise flata flat in a tall, modern building with a lot of floors
granny flata set of rooms for an elderly person, connected to a relative's house
the rat racewyścig szczurów
Feng Shuia Chinese philosophy - the position of buildings and arrangements of objects is important
minimalisma style which involves using the smallest possible range of materials, colours etc.
post-modernisma style of archit. arts, etc. popular in the 80s and 90s; includes features from different periods
New Ageway of life&thinking, 80s, wide range of beliefs&activities: astrology, alternative medicine etc.
subsistence farmingfarming where people live by growing just enough food for their own family
household word/namesomething everyone knows
drink on the houseN a free drink
home thruthsinfo that is true but not pleasant or welcome; gorzka prawda
nothing to write home aboutnothing special
hit homebecome fully understood or fully felt
That's the story of my lifeThat's what always happens to me
have the time of your lifehave a wonderful time
get a new lease of lifebecome more energetic and active than before
dog's lifea very unhappy and difficult life
bustlingfull of activity and noises
dark and dingydark and depressing (for rooms)
drabgrey and depressing (_ r _ _)
draughtycold because cold currents of air continually enter it / pełen przeciągów
drearyboring and depressing (_ _ e _ _ _)
gloomydark and depressing (_ _ o _ _ _)
godforsakenhorrible, boring and depressing (for towns and cities)
unspoiledhas not lost its local character becasue of tourist developments
touristydesigned to attract tourists and lacking any local colour as a result
stuffylacking fresh air and unpleasant as a result
spaciousvery large; przestronny
sleepya very quiet place where very little happens
seedydirty and untidy and generally connected with illegal/immoral activities
remotefar away from other towns/villages/people; odległy
pok(e)yuncomfortably small
plushvery comfortable and expensively decorated
picturesquevery pretty (for buildings/towns/villages)
mustyold and damp - smelling/ pachnący stęchlizną