wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Making a living
money given by the government in Britain to people who are poor, without a job, illstate benefit (n) zasiłek
stewardflight attendant (n)
someone who discovers new things;investigatorresearcher (n) badacz naukowiec
discoverinvestigate (v) odkrywać
someone whose business is to buy and sell houses or land for peopleestate agent (n) agent nieruchomości
the chances for being successfulcareer prospects perspektywy rozwoju zawodowego
additional money/things giving to employeesperks )dodatek do wynagrodzenia)
making feel happy and satisfying; bringing satisfying, dedicatingrewarding (adj) dający satysfakcję, satysfakcjonujący
a job with low wages and no chances of promotiondead-end job praca bez perspektyw
a person whose job is to remove waste from dustbinsdustman (n)
the ability of being createinitiative (n) inicjatywa
a person whose job is to help people choose proper jobcareer advisor (n) doradca zawodowy
general attitude towards lifeoutlook (n) pogląd na zycie, nastawienie
pension (n) emeryturathe money paid to semeone who is retired
not clear, unclearvague (adj) niewyraźny, nie jasny
to do the same action/job or to work or live in the same way as someone else before youfollow in sb's footsteps (idm)
very strict and difficult to change; inflexible, harsh-surowyrigid (adj) surowy niugięty, sztywny
justified, logicalwell-founded (adj) uzasadniony
hard- working, meticulousdiligent (adj) pilny staranny
reliable, trusteddependable (adj) zaufany, wiarygodny, solidny, godny zaufania
unseen danger or difficulty that it is common of mistakepitfall (n) pułapka
good at finding wayaof dealing with practical problemsresourceful (adj) przedsiębiorczy, pomysłowy zaradny
a situation in which someone has to leave their job, because they are no longer needed;layoffredundancy (n) edukcja(etatów)
if you are redundant, your employer no longer has a job for youredundant (adj) zwolniony z pracy, bezrobotny
money you get from your employer when yoy are made redundant;severance payredundancy pay (n) odprawa (wynagrodzenie udzielane pracownikowi w razie zwolnienia)
the act od making sth smallerdownsizing (n) redukcja zatrudnienia
working without company translatorfreelancing (n) tłumacz pracujący na włąsny rachunek
tłumacz pracujący na umowę zleceniefreelance translator (n)
a form of business in which one person in ownersole trader (n) firma jednoosobowa
to followpursue (v) dążyć prowadzić
ability to restore/ recover from once energy after unpleasant eventresilient (adj) odporny na przykre sytuacje
different, strangeodd (adj)
stubbornpersistent (adj) uparty
ready to deal with everything what might happenalert (adj) czujny
a person who takes higher position in a companyexecutive (n) osoba na stanowisku kierowniczym
a person who translate sthinterpreter (n) tłumacz
blue-collar worker( week)wage (n)
white-collar worker (month)salary (n)
oprocentowanieinterst (n)
a money that are given by parents to childrenpocket- money (n) kieszonkowe
dismisssack (v) zwalniać
a same positionniche (n) posada nisza
to receiveinherit (V) odziedziczyć
to use all of sth and not have any more leftrun out of sth (phr v) zużyc, wyczerpać
save (for ex. money)put by ( phr v) oszczędzać
to obtaintake out (phr v) zaciągnąć
to use sb timeeat into (phr v)
to have the money that we can spendlive on (phr v)
to reduceto cut down on (phr v) ograniczyć
having a higher positionsuperior (n) ponadprzeciętny, wybitny,
unwilling to do sthreluctant (adj) niechętny
a person who is responsible for the citymayor (n) burmistrz
podypolomowe studiapost-graduate studies (adj)
a person who has obtaineddegree holder (n)
recruting trainingHuman Resources (n) dział personalny
higienahygiene (n)
a skill, personal quality, or type of experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or posqualification (n)
plan that is flexible can be easily change or suit to any new situatinflexible (adj)
objąć po kimś stanowiskostep into sb's shoes
a job or professionoccupation (n) zawód, posada
commerce; the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countriestrade (n) handel
the main/yhe most important male servant in a housebutler (n) kamerdyner
someone who buys, sells, makes, or repairs jewelleryjeweller (n) jubiler
someone whose job is to take care of a sheep;shepherd (n) pasterz
a traditional guard at the Tower of Londonbeefeater (n) strażnik londynskiej wieży
someone in Britain whose job is to deliver milk to people's houses each morningmilkman (n)
someone whose job is to clean chimneys using special long brusheschimney sweep (n) kominiarz
someone whose job is to guard money or buildingsecurity guard (n) ochroniarz
someone whose job is to climb high building in order to repair, celan themsteeplejack (n) osoba pracująca na wysokościach
a person formerly employed by a town to proclaim announcements in the streettown crier (n) herold miejski
a person or organisation/company that buys and sells stocks and shares for other peoplestockbroker (n) makler giełdowy
mix, blendcombine (V) łączyć
working for yourself and not employed by a company/ having your own businessself-employed (adj)
the work needed to keep a road, building, machine etc. in good conditionmaintenance (n) serwis
brE money paid by someone who is divorced to their former wife or husband;alimonymaintenance (n) alimenty
a tall pointed structure on top of a building, especially on top of a church towerspire (n) iglica, wieża szpiczasta
a multistoried building equipped with elevators/tall buildings with high levelhigh rise building (n) wieżowiec
to not be afraid of heightshave a head for heights (exp) nie mieć lęku wysokości
stey steady/ to maintain a straight posture/ live in harmonykeep one's balance (exp)
severe; harsh condition are difficult to live in and uncomfortableharsh
to bring honour to an occasiongrace (v) łaska, chwała
long or longer than usualextended (adj) dłuższy, długi, rozszerzony, powiększony
to decorate, honourgrace (v) dekorować, ozdabiać
a shape or pattern made against toe skyline-especially by buildings the and of horizon/skyline (n)
the shape made by hill or buildings against in the sky;larkskyline (n)
to find origins oftrace back (phr v) wywodzić się
to be in charge of a formal meeting or ceremonypreside (v) przewodniczyć
growing, developing or performiong rapidlybooming (adj) prosperujący, kwitnący
sth you are proud of and like to tell people about/sth to be proud ofboast (n) chluba
a vehicle usually with an electric motor, used to take milk to people's housesmilk float (n) pojazd służący do przewożenia mileka
to visit some placescomplete a round (phr v)
to be fitbe in a good shape (phr v)
not natural, and morally wronggo against nature (phr v)
to pull, draw or stretch light, to stretchstrain (v)
to get blisters or cause blisters/a painful swelling on the skinblister (n) bąbel odcisk, pęcharz (na skórze)
a box made of wood, metal, plastic especially one denied into partscrate (n) skrzynia na butelki
black powder made mainly of carbon which is produced when coal, wood etc is burnedsoot (n) sadza
tlenek węglacarbon monoxide (n)
with mistakes, not working properly/not made correctlyfaulty (ajd) wadliwy
sth that blocks a road, passage, entrance etc sow that nothing can go along inobstruction (n) przeszkoda, zatarasowanie, zablokowianie
a net of sticky threads made by a spider to catch insects, that is inside a building and has not beecob wed (n) sieć pajęcza
the movement of fresh air around a closed spaceventilation (n) wentylacja
a farmer in Britain in the past who owned and worked on his own landyeoman (n)
the area of bulidingbomb scare (n) alarm
a change in the way people think about sth, in the way sth is done etcshift (n) zmiana, odmiana
change at workshift (n) zmiana godzin pracy
strumble on sthtrip over (phr v) potknąc się
pleasant, polite, nice, acceptable,agreeable (adj)
the things that will happen in the futuredestiny (n) przeznaczenie
there are a lot of posibilitiesthe sky is the limit
time away from work because of illnesssick leave (n)
to lost your company because of lack of moneygo bankrupt
the disadvantage of a situationDOWNSIDE (N)