wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Unit 7
to give what is ask forgrant (v) przyznawać coś, udzielać
a conflict or warstruggle (n) potyczka, zmaganie
cruel, violentbrutal (adj)
one version of sth writtendraft 9n) szkic, brudnopis
formal agreamnet between nationtreaty (n) traktat, zgoda
to belive that sb is responsible for an achievmentgive sb credit (phr) przypisac komuś zasługi
confident, clear, definitecut and dried (idm) pewny siebie
not tidy, scruffy, complicated, confusedmessy (adj)
probably the way that it is assumedpresumably (adv) przypuszczalnie, prawdopodobnie
sth that can be partly truea grain of truth (idm) ziarno prawdy
born in native toindigenous (adj) miejscowy, tubylczy
a time, periodera (n)
related to your personal feelings, opinion, rather than factssubjunctive (adj) subiektywny
not to belive sth completelytake sth with a pinch of salt (idm)
positive participationContribution (n) udział, układ
to stop fighting, give insurrender (v) poddać się
the process of reducing, destroying weaponsdisarmament (n) rozbrojenie
a partner, a friendally (n) sojusznik
sb who is against wars, violencepacifist (n)
to enter a place or country by forceinvade (v) dokonać inwazji
withdrawretreat (v) wycofać
to win victory over sb/sthdefeat (v) pokonać
an agreement to stop fightingtruce (n) rozejm
a woman who was involved in the campain for win in to have the right to votesuffragete (n) sufrażystka
the act of protested when you refused to eathunger strike (exp) strajk głodowy
to die for a reasondie for the cause (phr) umrzec dla sprawy
classical studiesfilologia klasyczna
the Labour PartyPartia Parcy
complete, absolutesheer (adj)
to have a great influence on historychange the course of history (exp) zmieniać bieg historii
to do sth importantmake history(exp) przejsc do historii
to take control of sthtake over (phr v) zdobywać przejmować
conduct, lead, head,carry out
to destroy by closing an explosionblow up (exp) wysadzić
to fire to explode; to stop liking sbgo off (v) wybuchać, nie lubieć
to cause sth to happenbring about (phr v) spowodowac coś, doprowadzić do czegoś
withdrawback out (phr v) wycofać
to hit sthbeat up (phr v) pobic kogoś
a situation in which the army seizesmilitary coup (n) zamch stanu
a small tropical fruit with a long stonedate (n) daktyl
solger of the lowest range on the armyprivate (n) szeregowy
a difficult or dangerous actionstunt (n) afera
upset, emotionally distressedunsettled (adj)
across the landcross-country
broken downengine failure (n)
death-defying (adj)grozący śmiercią
an impresive act showing strength, courage or unusual abilityfeat (n)
a port where stops during a journeyport of call (phr v)
to take sb or sth by forcecapture (v) intentionally
switch offshut off (v phr) wyłączyć, odciąć
admitconfess (v)przyznać się
słabyweak (adj)
zasługiwać nadeserve (v)
to be not sure/ certain about sthdoubt (n,v) wątpliwość,wątpić
satisfiedcontent (adj) zadowolony
podjąć decyzjedo decide
planmap out (v phr) zaplanować
answer, reactresponse (n) odpowiedź reakcja
sth good for for ex. polite behaviourreward (n) nagroda
lęk,strachfear (n)
cure, avoidprevent (v) zapobiegać
aim, purposegoal (n) cel
expensive, usefulvaluable (adj) cenny
dojść do siebie po; to feel better after unpleasant eventget over (v phr)