wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień 1.2
autor: tysiek
spick and spanspotlessly clean
flesh and bloodone's kin, close relative
with might and mainwith all one's physical strength
the meek and mildof people who are quiet and gentle
indecisivethat cannot make decisions
inconclusivethat doesn't provide you with information that ends doubts
irresolutehesitant, undecided
contagiouseasily transmitted, infective
contiguousnear, neighbouring
intangiblethat cannot be solved
conscientiouslytaking care of everything
inexhaustiblethat cannot be used up
indefatigablethat never gets tired
to abolishto get rid of
to cackleto give out a hen's sound
to chuckleto giggle
to sparkleto give out flashes of light
to chuckto abandon sb/ to throw sth carelessly
to glimmerto give out unsteady light
to glintto shine brightly
to glistento shine
to take pity on sbto have mercy on sb
to facilitateto make easier
to incorporateto make sth a part of sth
to renderto cause sth to be in a particular position
to hastento speed up
applicable to sththat applies to sb
illegiblethat cannot be read