wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long z II kl wrz
autor: tysiek
to redress the balanceto make things equal again
lassitudetiredness of mind and body
speciousseeming true but actually wrong
collusiona secret agreement
a load of old cobblersnonsense (idiom)
punitiveready to fight, agressive
to swim against the tidenot to conform to accepted opinions etc (idiom)
lenientmerciful, not severe
respiterest, relief
to precipitateto cause sth to happen sooner
conversant withfamiliar with, having knowledge of
spendthriftsb who squanders money is called this
to defuseto lessen the anger of sb
to latch oneself on to sbto become sb's constant companion
to hold the fortto take over sb's responsibilities during his absence (idiom)
one's hope go westa failure in one's plans (idiom)
blithehappy, carefree
intrepiddauntless, brave
perishablelikely to go bad easily
to get one's foot in the doorto have a first introduction to a profession (idiom)
to put sb in the pictureto cause sb to be fully informed (idiom)
to wait in the wingsto be ready to do sth or take over (idiom)
salubrious(of a climate) health-giving
to warrantto deserve or justify
severance paymoney given to the employee whose contract is terminated
to facilitateto make easier to do, operate
backwatera place of no progress
to be in a quandaryto be undecided, confused
by all accountsaccording to what everybody says (idiom)
punctilious(of behaviour) very attentive to details
to remonstrateto complain, to protest
cornucopiaan abundant source of information
to juxtaposeto place two things next to each other to juxtapose them
to espouseto support a theory
to promulgateto proclaim, to disseminate
defunctno longer effective
wherewithalmoney/resources needed to do sth
succorhelp/support given to sb in danger
not to be a patch on sthnot to be nearly as good as sth (idiom)
versimilitudeappearance of being true or real
to bite off more than one could chewto try to do more than one is able to (idiom)
impecunioushaving no or little money
mendaciousuntruthful, lying