wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long roczny kl II wrzesień vol 2
autor: tysiek
to be on a par withto be equal to sth (idiom)
bereftdeprieved of power or quality
at one swoopsingle, deadly action (idiom)
seminalstrongly influencing further development
to surmiseto suppose, to guess
callowinexperienced, immature
solventcapable of meeting financial obligations
travestyan absurd imitation of sth
dejecteddepressed, sad
to conniveto allow a wrong action
unequivocalclear, having one possible meaning
ponderousawkward because of great weight
urbanewell-mannered, refined
venialforgivable, excusable, common
opportuneat the right moment
tritecommonly used
bedraggledexhausted, tired, weaken
vapiddull, uninteresting
to yankto pull sharply with one move
luridgloomy, sensational, eerie
walkabouta stroll among a crowd
yardsticka point of reference for measurements
intractableimpossible to be solved
inscrutablemysterious, impossible to be understood
to contriveto plan sth carefully in a deceitful manner
laudatoryexpressing praise
moonlightersb who takes extra work after regular hours
subterfugea trick used to deceive sb
momentousvery important
foolhardyreckless, foolishly bold
to denigrateto belittle
to begetto result in/ to be the father of sth
on the blinkshowing signs of breaking down
solicitousvery concerned, anxious
to waiveto disregard
morosevery unhappy, gloomy
to flauntto show off, to sport
to root forto support, to cheer
arresting smileattracting attention or interest
to intimidateto frighten
to taunt sbto try to provoke sb by critical or scornful remarks