wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long roczny kl II vol 3
autor: tysiek
to quipto make witty or sarcastic remarks
to renounceto give up
to lay sb upto cause sb to stay in bed
to positto postulate/ to assume sth as a fact
to cullto kill weaker animals
to cotton onto come to understand
in terms ofas regards
insularnarrow-minded and avoiding contact with other people
constructan idea formed in one's mind
to evinceto show sth clearly
stopgapsth that is a temporal substitute for another
chagrina feeling of disapproval or annoyance
listingsan entry in a list or dictionary
harbingersth that announces sth
to exudeto flow out slowly
to fall into placeto become clear
to raise sb's hacklesto cause sb to be angry
to jog one's memoryto make sb remember sth (idiom)
hubrisarrogant pride
to give the game awayto reveal sb's feelings or a secret
to come clean withto make an honest confession (idiom)
like-mindedhaving the same interests, beliefs
to get a word in edgewaysto interrupt sb who is very talkative (idiom)
to prostrate oneselfto lie face down
to perpetuateto continue
to be in one's good gracesto be favoured (idiom)
deliverance from sthan instance of being free or rescued from sth
to burn one's fingers atto suffer because of one's foolish behaviour (idiom)